Wisconsin Department of Children and Families

Wisconsin Works (W-2) Manual

4.6.2  Transfers Between W-2 Agencies in Milwaukee County

For W-2 Wisconsin Works participants who relocate from one Milwaukee W-2 geographical area to another, the outgoing W-2 agency must transfer the case to the incoming W-2 agency.

When a Milwaukee W-2 agency initiates a case transfer, the outgoing agency must use the Inter-Regional W-2 Participant Transfer Notice form to notify the participant to continue with assigned activities until they have met with a FEP in the new geographical area.

For more detailed information on the Milwaukee transfer process, workers must refer to the Inter-Regional Transfer Procedure for Milwaukee W-2 Agencies.

To complete the transfer the outgoing agency must transfer the case to the incoming agency’s W-2 Eligibility and WP offices.

The incoming W-2 agency must meet with the participant within 10 working days from the date of transfer as reflected in the transaction list in WWP to conduct an Informal Assessment. The participant must remain in their existing W-2 placement and assigned activities until meeting with the new W-2 agency.

Once the new FEP completes an informal assessment, they can determine with the participant if any changes should be made to the participant's:

·        Placement;

·        Activities;

·        Supportive service;

·        Accommodations, etc.

All results must be documented on the appropriate WWP pages, in PIN comments, and any necessary changes must be made on the new EP. For more information on transferring assessment information, see W-2 Manual, 4.6.3.


History: Release 24-13; Release 21-07; Release 20-03; Release 19-02; Release 13-01.