1.4.2  Applying For W-2 How to Initiate a W-2 Request Using An Authorized Representative Applicant or Participant Signatures Interview and Meeting Options


To request a W-2 application, an applicant can:

1.             Submit a W-2 application online through ACCESS; or

2.             Contact their local W-2 agency.

Initiating the W-2 Application Process

The W-2 application process begins on the date the applicant provides the agency with a signed Application Registration form (RFA)* that is generated from the CWW Print Application Registration page.

For online applications submitted via ACCESS, the process starts as soon as the online application is submitted.

If an applicant chooses to take an Application Registration form home to review, the Receptionist must explain that the application process cannot begin, and the application date cannot be set, until the agency receives the signed form.

Scheduling Appointments Through ACCESS

Before submitting a W-2 application through ACCESS, applicants will be presented with the option to select an available appointment time to meet with a FEP over the next five 5 working days. The FEP must meet with the applicant during their scheduled appointment time.

Scheduling an Appointment with the RS (Resource Specialist)

Applicants who submit an ACCESS application do not need to meet with an RS.

Once the Receptionist begins the application process, the agency must schedule an appointment for the applicant with an RS on the same day or the following working day using the Client Scheduling feature in CWW.

See section 1.2.2 for more detail on the role of the RS.

Maintaining Schedule Availability

Agencies must maintain their client scheduling availability in CWW for at least 10 working days into the future.

Appointment Scheduling for ACCESS Applicants

Applicants applying in ACCESS are responsible for scheduling an interview appointment with a FEP in ACCESS or by contacting their local W-2 agency.

If an applicant does not schedule an appointment in ACCESS or does not attend their appointment scheduled in ACCESS, the W-2 agency may contact the applicant to schedule an appointment.

If an applicant does not schedule an appointment in ACCESS or contact their local W-2 agency, the W-2 agency may deny the application after 30 days.

Creating a Request for Assistance (RFA)

The W-2 agency must create an RFA in CWW for all application types, including applications through ACCESS. For ACCESS applications, the application date is the date the ACCESS application was submitted.

Paper Applications Forms

Agencies must only use the paper form Wisconsin Works (W-2) and Related Programs Registration (14880) when:

1.             CWW is unavailable and the applicant cannot wait for availability to resume; or

2.             There is not sufficient time to generate the CWW Application Registration form before the W-2 agency closes to the public.

The W-2 agency must scan into ECF the signed copy of the CWW-generated Application Registration form, or the paper registration form used if CWW was unavailable. How to Initiate a W-2 Request

To initiate a W-2 request, the W-2 agency must enter the request via the CWW Record New Group Level Program Request on the Case Summary page to generate the CWW Application Registration form.  

For detailed instructions on how to process W-2 requests, see the  Request for Assistance (RFA)/Case Processes for W-2 desk aid. Using an Authorized Representative

There are times when an applicant is unable to personally complete the application forms. W-2 agencies must accept all forms, including the Application Registration form and online ACCESS application, from an applicant's legally responsible relative or guardian. For example:


Authorized Representative



A spouse can submit the Application Registration form or ACCESS application for their partner.


A parent can submit the Application Registration form or ACCESS application for their dependent child.

Legal Guardian

A legal guardian can submit an Application Registration form or ACCESS application for their ward.

An Individual acting responsibly for an incompetent or incapacitated applicant

An individual acting responsibly for an incompetent or incapacitated applicant can submit the Application Registration form or ACCESS application on their behalf.


When an applicant chooses to use an authorized representative, both the applicant and the authorized representative must sign the Authorization of Participant Representative (2375) form.

The authorized representative is responsible for submitting the signed Application Registration form or ACCESS application, as well as any required documents. The agency must not refuse an authorized representative unless the authorization itself appears to be fraudulent. Applicant or Participant Signatures

A written or electronic signature must be obtained for documents that are reviewed by external parties such as a release of information or Fact Finding documents.

Unless specified otherwise, all other documents submitted to the W-2 agency can be obtained with one of the four signature types listed below. W-2 agencies must provide the option to sign all documents in whichever acceptable signature method the applicant or participant prefers.

1.             Written signature: The applicant physically signs the document.

2.             Electronic signature: The applicant electronically signs the document via an electronic signature software.

3.             Telephonic signature: The applicant telephonically signs the document during a recorded call using Genesys.

·        Only documents with the language “or Telephonic Signature Interaction ID” in the signature box can be signed telephonically.

·        For telephonic signatures for anything other than an eligibility review, FEPs must read whatever document is being telephonically signed, e.g., W-2 application, W-2 Participation Agreement, Employability Plan, etc., in order to record the agreement being made between the FEP and the participant.

·        The FEP must read the language that is in the telephonic signature display in Genesys. The Telephonic Signature Interaction ID generated in Genesys must be documented on the signature line and in case comments.

4.             ACCESS signature: Where specified in policy, certain signatures can be obtained as part of the application process in ACCESS.

The FEP must provide a signed copy of the document to the applicant or participant, regardless of signature type. Interview and Meeting Options

All interviews and meetings with an applicant or participant can be conducted in one of three ways below.

Applicants and participants have the option to choose whichever acceptable meeting format they prefer.

Acceptable meeting formats the W-2 agency must offer include:

1.             In-person: The applicant or participant meets physically in-person with a W-2 agency worker.

2.             Video call: The applicant or participant and a FEP use a video platform to meet where each person can see and hear one another.

3.             Telephonically: The applicant or participant and a FEP use a telephone to meet.

W-2 agency workers must document in comments which meeting format was used.

Note: This meeting format flexibility does not apply to the Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Program.



History: Release 24-01; Release 22-05; Release 20-05; Release 20-03; Release 17-01; Release 14-03; Release 13-02; Release 12-06.