Appendix - Activity Codes

Definitions and Codes for Work Program Activities

AA – AODA Assessment
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Report this activity when participants are involved in an Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) assessment by a qualified AODA provider.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

AC – Assessment for Child with Disability
Valid for the following programs:  W-2
Report this activity when a participant is involved in an assessment of the need for the participant to be the sole provider of care for a dependent child with a disability or incapacitation.

Documentation must be provided using the Need to Care for Disabled Family Member (10786) form or an agency-developed form that, at a minimum, has the same elements. (See #2)

This code should not be used for CMC participants.  

For Federal Work Participation:  Reporting this activity for a participant will exclude that case from Federal Work Participation calculations.

AD – Disability and Learning Assessment
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Report this activity when participants are involved in a formal assessment by a qualified assessing agency. This assessment will identify the appropriate level of work needed, accommodations, and learning capacity of the participant.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

AF – Assessment for Other Family Member
Valid for the following programs:  W-2
Report this activity when a participant is involved in an assessment of the need for the participant to be the sole provider of care for a W-2 Group member with a disability or incapacitation, when that W-2 Group member is not a child or foster child.

Documentation must be provided using the Need to Care for Disabled Family Member (10786) form or an agency-developed form that, at a minimum, has the same elements. (See #2)

For Federal Work Participation:  Reporting this activity for a participant will exclude that case from Federal Work Participation calculations.

AL – Physician’s Assessment
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Report this activity when participants are involved in a physician’s assessment to determine the participant’s physical limitations due to medical conditions.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

AM – Mental Health Assessment
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Report this activity when participants are currently involved in a mental health assessment by a qualified mental health provider.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

AV – Domestic Violence Assessment and Supportive Services
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF
Report this activity for a participant who is receiving services for domestic violence.  This includes assessment and supportive services, such as counseling, temporary shelter, legal assistance, etc.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

BE – Adult Basic Education (ABE)
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF, TMJ/TJ
Report this activity for participants who are engaged in an Adult Basic Education (ABE) course that is not tied to participation in a job skills training. ABE is instruction designed to focus on the areas of reading, mathematics, communication skills, social studies, physical sciences, health, and career education. ABE consists of 3 levels:

1.             Level 1, or Beginning ABE:
Instruction designed for adults whose academic functioning level is comparable to grades 0 - 5.9.

2.             Level 2, or Intermediate ABE:
Instruction designed for adults whose academic functioning level is comparable to grades 6.0 - 8.9.

3.             Level 3 or Adult Secondary Education (ASE):
Instruction, which delivers competencies, academic or occupational, comparable to that offered in secondary schools (grades 9.0 - 12.9).

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.  A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Non-Core.”

CA – AODA Counseling
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Report this activity when the participant attends AODA Counseling prescribed by an AODA-related Health Care professional.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

CC – Child Care Related Activities
Valid for the following programs:  W-2
Report this activity for an applicant or participant who is engaged in activities to secure child care arrangements in order to participate in work activities. This may include contacting a child care resource and referral network, researching availability of child care, touring child care facilities, and interviewing child care providers.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

CE – Career Planning & Counseling
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF, TMJ/TJ
Report this activity for participants receiving services geared towards assessment of a participant’s career interests and guidance in the career planning process. Examples of activities include:

·        Career assessment s, including work styles, skills and interests;

·        Educational Needs Assessment Tool s (e.g. TABE Testing) to determine education and training needs for increased employability;

·        Career exploration/job shadowing;

·        Reviewing labor market information and training opportunities; and

·        Career guidance and counseling.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

CL – Learnfare Counseling
Valid for the following program:  LF
Report this activity when the Learnfare participant is engaged in counseling to address one or more barriers to school attendance or problems identified by the participant that are not addressed by any other counseling participation.  

These meetings should be used by staff to assist participants in gaining a better understanding of themselves in relation to school or family, or to make other personal adjustments to succeed in reaching educational goals.

CM – Mental Health Counseling
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Report this activity when the participant engages in Mental Health counseling that has been prescribed by a mental health professional.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

CP – Child Support Payment
Valid for the following programs:  CF
Use this tracking status when a Children First participant routinely pays his or her child support payment.  It may be used simultaneously with all other activities.

CR – Career Advancement Services
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF, TMJ/TJ
Report this activity for employed participants exploring and pursuing career advancement opportunities.  An actual career advancement plan should be developed, describing the steps and actions required to meet career advancement goals.  Other acceptable activities include:

·        Assisting the participant in accessing career advancement services, such as undergoing further occupational assessment;

·        Enrolling in appropriate education/training programs, e.g. apprenticeships, career pathways, etc.; and

·        Accessing career advancement opportunities offered through the employer, like career ladders program.

The length of time in this activity should reflect the time spent developing the career plan and doing career exploration.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

CS – Community Service
Valid for the following program:  CF
Report this activity when a participant is engaged in community service activities.  Community service activities may include:

·        volunteer work,

·        participation in a community activity, and

·        other types of community service.  

The type of community service activity should be documented in case notes.

CT – Customized Skills Training
Valid for the following programs:  CF
Report this activity when training is arranged and engaged to meet the specific employment needs of an employer, such as addressing labor shortages for a specific occupation, where the employer is involved in developing the training program.  

In addition, there is an agreement that the employer will employ individuals who successfully complete the training program.  

DR – Drivers Education
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Report this activity when a participant is enrolled in a course of study that includes both classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction designed to prepare the student to pass the Wisconsin Driver’s License Examination.

This activity may also be used to reflect those hours a participant attends classes in order to have a Driver’s License reinstated.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

EL – ESL (English as a Second Language)
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Report this activity for participants who are engaged in English as a Second Language (ESL) course that is not tied to participation in job skills training. ESL is a course of study intended to teach English skills related to reading, writing, speaking, and listening to students whose primary language is not English.  The purpose of assigning ESL is to prepare participants for employment.

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.  A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Non-Core.”

ES – Employment Search
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF,
Report this activity for participants who are engaged in employment search that is tailored to the needs of the individual and includes some or all of the following activities:

·        Time used to research prospective employers;

·        Meeting with a job developer;

·        Attending a structured job search workshop;

·        Making contact with prospective employers whether by phone, in person or via internet to learn of job openings;

·        Completing applications for vacancies;

·        Preparing for job interviews; and

·        Interviewing for jobs.

Activity may be completed independently or in a group setting. When traveling to job interviews, the travel time between interviews may be counted towards hours of participation.  Travel time to the first job interview and the time spent returning home after the last one cannot be counted.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

FC – Family Member Treatment/Counseling
Valid for the following programs:  W-2
Report this activity when a participant is attending appointments on a weekly basis for another W-2 Group member’s medical, AODA mental health needs, or other treatment/counseling

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

GE – GED (General Educational Development)
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Instruction designed to prepare adults for the Tests of General Educational Development (GED).  A Certificate of General Educational Development is issued by the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) upon attainment of satisfactory scores on the GED tests.  A person must be a Wisconsin resident who is at least 18 years and six months old OR whose high school class has graduated in order to take the GED tests.

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.  A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Non-Core,” except for Teen Parents ages 18 and 19 with no High-School diploma who can meet their Federal Work Participation requirement by participation in this activity.

HE – HSE (High School Equivalency Diploma)
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, LF, CF
Adult educational activities designed to prepare adults to take the tests and courses that lead to a High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED). An HSED is earned by taking all of the GED tests and a health, citizenship, employability skills, and career-awareness program OR completing any missing high school credits. Additional information on HSED or GED can be obtained from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction website.

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.  A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Non-Core,” except for Teen Parents ages 18 and 19 with no High-School diploma who can meet their Federal Work Participation requirement by participation in this activity.

HR – Housing-Related Activities
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF
Report this activity for those participants experiencing a housing crisis and in need of stabilizing their living situation.  This may include guided or self-directed housing search, relocating to get out of a domestic abuse situation and housing education sessions at community agencies.

This activity should be used in conjunction with assignment to other W-2 activities until permanent housing is secured.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

JR – Job Retention Services
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF, TMJ/TJ
Report this activity when services are provided directly to participants to assist them with maintaining unsubsidized employment. The types of services that can be provided include:

·        Reviewing workplace demands and employer expectations

·        Mediation of conflicts on the job;

·        Strategies to help the individual stay employed

·        Job specific problem solving

·        Crisis resolution


For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

JS – Job Skills Training
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF, TMJ/TJ 

Assign this activity:

1.             When a participant enrolls in a short-term job skills training (no less than 40 hours of class room time and no more than 516 hours in length) that the W-2 agency has worked with the participant to arrange.

2.             To individuals who enter W-2 already engaged in a job skills training program and:

a.             The individual has one semester/6 months or less to complete their program, but no more than 516 hours remaining; and

b.             The W-2 agency determines that completing the program will help the individual obtain employment.

The training must provide skills to help the participant obtain employment or to advance or adapt to the changing demands of the workplace.  Training may include customized skills training to meet the needs of a specific employer or it can be general training that prepares an individual for a specific occupation within a particular employment sector.  The training activity must be specific to the participant’s immediate employment goal.  

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.  A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required will be used to determine the assignment of hours.

Examples of job skills training include:

·        Welding

·        Hospitality

·        Data Entry

·        Medical Assistant

Total assigned hours must never exceed 40 hours per week.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 12 months during the lifetime of the participant.  After 12 months, hours count as “Non-Core.”

LA – Court-Related/Legal Appointments
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF
Activities where participant is scheduled for court-ordered appointments for self and/or children. This may include:

·        child welfare home visits and Wrap-Around staffing sessions,

·        child support hearings and legal meetings with attorneys,

·        probation and parole appointments, and

·        Huber-related activities.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

LF – Life Skills
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF
Report this activity for participants who are engaged in activities that teach basic life skills that allow them to succeed in the workforce.  Activities may include:

·        Balancing life and work;

·        Budgeting;

·        Household management;

·        Interpersonal skills;

·        Decision making skills;

·        Time management;

·        Strengthening parenting skills and understanding family relationships;

·        Family nutrition;

·        How to work with the government, legal and school systems;

·        How to request reasonable accommodations, and how to understand equal opportunity employment laws; and

·        How to select quality child care, and develop a plan for back up child care emergencies and when the child or provider is sick.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

LS – Literacy Skills
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF
Report this activity for participants who are engaged in a literacy skills course that is not tied to participation in job skills training.  Literacy Skills is a course aimed at teaching reading, writing, math, and communication skills necessary to prepare a participant to participate in ABE, occupational programs, or unsubsidized employment. Instruction may be provided in a formal educational institution, through a literacy council, or through another provider.

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.   A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Non-Core.”

MN – Mentor/Coach
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF
Report this activity for participants assigned hours in which they are required to interact with their mentor/coach.  Mentoring pairs more skilled or experienced individuals with a newly employed participant to help him or her succeed in the workplace. The agency maintains ongoing supervision of, and support for, mentors and mentees.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

MO – Job Readiness/Motivation
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF, TMJ/TJ
Report this activity for applicants and participants who are engaged in classes and activities specifically designed to prepare them for work.  Activities are geared at learning general workplace expectations, work behavior and job retention skills necessary to successfully compete in the labor market.

A high-quality job readiness program uses various techniques and approaches to build self-esteem and increase self-confidence.  Attendance at scheduled sessions must last at least one hour. Examples of job readiness/motivation sessions include:

·        Workshops on effective job seeking and interviewing skills;

·        Resume creation, preparation, development and updating;

·        Developing networking skills;

·        Communication skills, personality types, and ability to relate to others;

·        Instruction in workplace expectations (including instruction on appropriate attire);

·        Workshops on self-esteem, goal setting, etc.;

·        Courses on basic computer skills and use of internet; and

·        Workshops on soft skills like punctuality, attendance, following directions, teamwork, getting along with others in the workplace, etc.

Activity may be completed independently or in a group setting.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

MP – Ongoing Medical/Personal Care
Valid for the following program:  W-2, CF
Report this activity when a participant is involved in ongoing medical appointments or during timeframes when a participant cannot be assigned to other work activities due to medical restrictions that are expected to last more than six months. The medical restrictions and the expectation that the activity will last more than six months must be certified by a qualified medical or mental health professional.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.


NB – NCP TEMP/Public Employer

Valid for the following programs: W-2

Report this activity for a W-2 noncustodial parent placed in a TEMP job within the public sector (employer is a government entity). The hours assigned under this activity should be equivalent to the number of hours the participant engages each week in a TEMP job. The activity ends when the TNP placement ends.


Only one member of a W-2 Group may be reported in this activity at a time.


For Federal Work Participation: This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements because TEMP participants are not included in the Federal Work Participation rate.


NC – Non-compliance
Valid for the following program:  LF, CF
Report this activity when a Children First participant is not in compliance with program activities because of:


·        noncooperation,

·        non-attendance, or

·        failure to participate in assigned activities.

The Children First case manager proceeds with the Children First Fact Finding process (see Children First Program Guide).  

If the participant signs the Reconciliation Agreement/plan, end the non-compliance and place the participant in the appropriate activity.  

If the participant does not respond or fails to participate in the Fact Finding process, notify the child support agency via Affidavit of Non-Compliance and disenroll the participant.

NV – NCP TEMP/Private Employer

Valid for the following programs: W-2

Report this activity for a W-2 noncustodial parent placed in a TEMP job within the private sector (employer is not a government entity). The hours assigned under this activity should be equivalent to the number of hours the participant engages each week in a TEMP job. The activity ends when the TNP placement ends.


Only one member of a W-2 Group may be reported in this activity at a time.


For Federal Work Participation: This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements because TEMP participants are not included in the Federal Work Participation rate.


OC – Occupational Testing
Valid for the following programs: W-2, LF, CF, TMJ/TJ
Report this activity for participants engaged in testing related to employment. Testing may include:


·        Exploration,

·        Aptitude,

·        Skills, and

·        Interest testing and interpretation.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.


OE – Transform Milwaukee Jobs/Transitional Jobs Post-Orientation Employment Search
Valid for the following programs: TMJ/TJ
Report this activity for individuals who completed TMJ/TJ orientation activities and are engaged in post-orientation employment search.

OJ – On-The-Job Training (OJT)
Valid for the following programs: W-2, LF, CF, TMJ/TJ
Report this activity when a participant is in a paid job that is subsidized by a program other than W-2 or Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ). This includes, but is not limited to:

·        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) OJT,

·        Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Work Experience,

·        Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Act OJT,

·        Youth Apprenticeship,

·        Adult Apprenticeship,

·        Employment subsidized by:

o       Senior Community Services Program,

o       Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) workers.  

For Federal Work Participation: This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

OR – Program Orientation
Valid for the following programs: W-2, LF, CF, TMJ/TJ  
Report this activity when an individual participates in a set of activities designed to orient the individual to the employment and/or training program.

It may be used to indicate that orientation has occurred for an individual currently open (enrolled) in a different work program.

Example: An individual is currently open for W-2 and then becomes a Children First participant.

PA – Parenting Skills
Valid for the following programs: W-2, CF
Report this activity for participants who are engaged in activities that teach effective parenting skills. Activities may include:

·        Parenting techniques

·        Nutrition

·        Family planning

·        Behavior modification

For Federal Work Participation: This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

PD – Personal Development
Valid for the following programs: W-2, CF
Report this activity for participants who are engaged in activities that promote a healthier lifestyle but the activity has not been determined to be medically necessary. The activity must be assigned with the goal of moving the participant towards employment. These activities may include, but are not limited to:

·        Personal journaling

·        Motivational reading

·        Exercise at home

·        Smoking cessation

·        Weight loss promotion

·        Ongoing support groups for domestic violence, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, etc.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

PR – Physical Rehabilitation
Valid for the following programs: W-2
Report this activity for participants who are engaged in an activity that meets the following criterion:

1.             Determined to be medically necessary;

2.             Anticipated to last six months or less; and

3.             Geared towards helping the individual recover from a medical condition so that he or she may enter or re-enter the workforce.

The determination that the activity is medically necessary and the expectation that the rehabilitation activity will last six months or less must be certified by a qualified medical or mental health professional.

This activity should not be assigned when a participant is in the process of applying for SSI or SSDI and the W-2 agency or another provider is providing related advocacy services.

For Federal Work Participation: Hours count as “Core” for no more than 240 hours for a single parent of a child under age six and 360 hours for all other work-eligible individuals.  Hours may be counted for no more than 4 consecutive weeks.  Timeframe for these limits is the preceding 12 months.

RS – Regular School (K - 12)
Valid for the following programs: W-2, LF, CF  
Report this activity when the participant is:

·        Enrolled in an education program (kindergarten through 12th grade levels) at a public or private school,

·        At a Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) school in a program that will include a high school diploma, or

·        At a Department of Public Instruction (DPI) registered home educational program including home based and home school instruction.

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.  A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Non-Core,” except for Teen Parents ages 18 and 19 with no High-School diploma who can meet their Federal Work Participation requirement by participating in this activity.

SW – Paid Work Experience in the public sector, not funded by TANF
Valid for the following program:  W-2, CF
This is a supervised paid work training activity in a public sector organization such as a government entity in which the subsidized wages to the participant are provided by a source other than TANF funds.  

This activity includes activities conducted by the W-2 agency or other work training provider to prepare a participant for a specific work site and the job site must have a training site supervisor.

The activity must serve a useful public purpose or be a project in which its costs are partially or wholly offset by revenue generated by such projects.  The program funding agency must provide Worker’s Compensation and Unemployment Insurance.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core”.

SZ  -  Paid Work Experience in the private sector, not funded by TANF
Valid for the following program:   W-2, CF
This is a supervised paid work training activity in a private sector entity in which the subsidized wages to the participant are provided by a source other than TANF funds.  

This activity includes activities conducted by the W-2 agency or other work training provider to prepare a participant for a specific work site and the job site must have a training site supervisor.

The activity must serve a useful public purpose or be a project in which its costs are partially or wholly offset by revenue generated by such projects.  The program funding agency must provide Worker’s Compensation and Unemployment Insurance.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core”.


TB – TEMP/Public Employer

Valid for the following programs: W-2

Report this activity for a W-2 custodial parent placed in a TEMP job within the public sector (employer is a government entity). The hours assigned under this activity should be equivalent to the number of hours the participant engages each week in a TEMP job. The activity ends when the TMP placement ends.

Only one member of a W-2 Group may be reported in this activity at a time.

For Federal Work Participation: This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements because TEMP participants are not included in the Federal Work Participation rate.

TC – Technical College Activities
Valid for the following programs: W-2
Assign this activity when CSJ and W-2 T participants are:

1.             Enrolled full-time (up to 15 hours per week) in a program offered through the Wisconsin Technical College System that requires between one and two years of class-time to complete; and

2.             Employed or assigned 25 hours of work activities per week.  

The 25 hours must include the study time required for the program (see new Technical College Study Time - TT activity defined below) as well as other work activities that relate to the training the participant is engaged in that will improve the likelihood of obtaining employment once the training is completed.  This may include activities such as work study/internships, career planning and counseling, job shadowing and work experience activities that relate to the training program.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 12 months during the lifetime of the participant.  After 12 months, hours count as “Non-Core.”

EM- Employment Search for TMJ/TJ
Valid for the following programs: TJ/TMJ
Report this activity for individuals who are engaged in employment search tailored to the needs  of the individual. This includes, but is not limited to, the following activities:

·        Researching prospective employers

·        Meeting with a job developer

·        Attending a structured job search workshop;

·        Making contact with prospective employers whether by phone, in person or via the internet to learn of job openings;

·        Completing applications for vacancies;

·        Preparing for job interviews; and

·        Interviewing for jobs.

This activity should be marked as a “Self Directed” when conducted independently by the participant (e.g. participant spends 1 hour a week researching prospective employers from home).

TT - Technical College Study Time
Valid for the following program: W-2
Assign this activity when study time is needed for the participant to successfully complete a Technical College program.  Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes. A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.  The study time must be counted towards the 25 hour Technical College work requirement (see definition for Technical College - TC activity).   

Only assign this activity when the participant is assigned Technical College – TC.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 12 months during the lifetime of the participant.  After 12 months, hours count as “Non-Core.”


TV – TEMP/Private Employer

Valid for the following programs: W-2

Report this activity for a W-2 custodial parent placed in a TEMP job within the private sector (employer is not a government entity). The hours assigned under this activity should be equivalent to the number of hours the participant engages each week in a TEMP job. The activity ends when the TMP placement ends.

Only one member of a W-2 Group may be reported in this activity at a time.

For Federal Work Participation: This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements because TEMP participants are not included in the Federal Work Participation rate.

UA – Unassigned
Valid for the following programs:  CF
Report this only if a participant has completed the enrollment process, is between assignments and is currently not assigned to any other activity.

UC – Up-front Career Planning
Valid for the following programs: W-2, CF
Report this activity for applicants who receive up-front services geared toward assessment of an individual’s career interests and guidance in the career planning process. Examples of activities include:

·        Career assessment s, including work styles, skills, and interests;

·        Educational Needs Assessment Tool s (e.g. TABE Testing) to determine education and training needs for increased employability;

·        Career exploration/job shadowing;

·        Reviewing labor market information and training opportunities; and

·        Career guidance and counseling

This activity must be ended at time of W-2 placement.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

UE – Up-front Employment Search
Valid for the following programs:  W-2, CF
Report this activity for applicants who are engaged in up-front employment search that is tailored to the needs of the individual and includes some or all of the following activities:

·        Time used to research prospective employers;

·        Meeting with a Job Developer;

·        Attending a structured job search workshop, such as Job Club

·        Making contact with prospective employers whether by phone, in person or via internet to learn of job openings;

·        Completing applications for vacancies;

·        Preparing for job interviews;

·        Interviewing for job.

This activity must be ended at time of W-2 placement.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

UR – Up-front Job Readiness / Motivation
Valid for the following programs: W-2, CF  
Report this activity for applicants who are engaged in up-front classes or activities specifically designed to prepare them for work. Activities are geared at learning general workplace expectations, work behavior and job retention skills necessary to compete successfully in the labor market.

A high-quality job readiness program uses various techniques and approaches to build self-esteem and increase self-confidence. Attendance at scheduled sessions must last at least one hour. Examples of job readiness/motivation sessions include:

·        Workshops on effective job seeking and interviewing skills;

·        Resume creation, preparation, development and updating;

·        Developing networking skills;

·        Communication skills, personality types, and ability to relate to others;

·        Instruction in workplace expectations (including instruction on appropriate attire);

·        Workshops on self-esteem, goal setting, etc;

·        Course on basic computer skills and use of internet; and

·        Workshops on soft skills like punctuality, attendance, following directions, teamwork, getting along with others in the workplace, etc.

Activity may be completed independently or in a group setting.

This activity must be ended at time of W-2 placement.

For Federal Work Participation:  This activity is not counted for Federal Work Participation requirements.

VA – Vocational Adult Basic Education
Valid for the following programs: W-2, CF 
Report this activity for participants who are assigned to an Adult Basic Education (ABE) course this is completed as a part of a job skills training program. The course must be of limited duration and be a necessary or regular part of the job skills training. ABE is instruction designed to focus on the area of reading, mathematics, communication skills, social studies, physical sciences, health, and career education. ABE consists of three levels:

1.             Level 1, or Beginning ABE:
Instruction designed for adults whose academic functioning level is comparable to grades 0-5.9.

2.             Level 2, or Intermediate ABE:
Instruction designed for adults whose academic functioning level is comparable to grades 6.0-8.9.

3.             Level 3 or Adult Secondary Education (ASE) Instruction which delivers competencies, academic or occupational, comparable to that offered in secondary schools (grades 9.0-12.9).

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.  A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 12 months during the lifetime of the participant.  After 12 months, hours count as “Non-Core.

VE – Vocational English-as-a-Second-Language
Valid for the following programs: W-2, CF  
Report this activity for participants who are assigned to an English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) course that is completed as part of a job skills training program.

The course must be of limited duration and be a necessary or regular part of the job skills training. ESL is a course of study intended to teach English-speaking skills related to reading, writing, speaking and listening to students whose primary language is not English.

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.  A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 12 months during the lifetime of the participant. After 12 months, hours count as “Non-Core.”

VL – Vocational Literacy Skills
Valid for the following programs: W-2, CF
Report this activity for participants who are assigned to a Literacy Skills course that is completed as part of a job skills training program. The course must be of limited duration and be a necessary or regular part of the job skills training.

Vocational Literacy Skills is a course of study aimed at teaching reading, writing, math and communication skills necessary to prepare a participant to participate in job skills training. Instruction may be provided in a formal educational institution, through a literacy council or through another provider.

Up to one hour of unsupervised study time for each hour of class time plus supervised study time may also be assigned under this activity and tracked for attendance purposes.  A statement from the educational program indicating the amount of study time required must be used to determine the assignment of hours.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core” for no more than 12 months during the lifetime of the participant.  After 12 months, hours count as “Non-Core.”

WE – Work Experience
Valid for the following programs: W-2, LF, CF
This is a supervised unpaid work training activity with either:

·        a public business or organization,

·        private not-for-profit business or organization, or

·        a private-for-profit business or organization.

Work Experience includes orientation activities conducted either by the W-2 agency or the work training site provider that prepare a participant for a specific work site.

The activity must serve a useful public purpose or be a project whose cost is partially or wholly offset by revenue generated by such projects.  The program agency must provide Workers Compensation liability for the Work Experience job site.

The job site must have a work training site supervisor.

For Federal Work Participation:  Hours count as “Core.”



History:Release 22-06; Release 21-07; Release 20-04; Release 19-07; Release 19-05; Release 19-02; Release 19-01; Release 17-01; Release 14-03; Release 14-01; Release 12-01; Release 11-06; Release 11-04; Release 11-02; Release 09-02.