Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Wisconsin Works (W-2) Manual | W-2 Auxiliary Payment Approval Worker Monthly Reviews of Auxiliary Payments
There are two different types of auxiliary payments:
1. Automated auxiliary payments are system-calculated and automatically issued in WWP. These payments are issued when a worker takes an action following either the Delayed Cycle or the W-2 Pulldown Cycle (see 10.2.1) that causes a recalculation for the payment amount owed.
Actions that can result in an automated auxiliary payment include:
· Backdating a paid placement after the Delayed Cycle into a previous month;
· Backdating a paid placement into a prior participation period; or
· Changing participation data after the W-2 Pulldown Cycle such as adding Good Cause for hours of nonparticipation.
2. Manual auxiliary payments can be created in WWP for cases where an auxiliary will not be calculated automatically, such as auxiliaries that must be issued as a result of a Fact Finding Review.
All auxiliary payments will be issued to the participant via the Benefit Issuance (BI) subsystem in CARES Mainframe.
For lost, stolen, or destroyed W-2 or vendor checks, refer to the Appendix -- Benefit Issuance Guide.
There is a two-party W-2 auxiliary payment approval process. W-2 agencies are responsible for keeping their list of designated approval workers current in CARES and Wisconsin Work Programs (WWP) .
CARES W-2 Auxiliary Payment Approval
Each W-2 agency must have an identified CARES W-2 Auxiliary Payment Approval Worker. The minimum number of approvers for an office is two and the maximum is six. An individual worker may be an approver for multiple offices. The approval worker CARES logon is displayed on CARES screen BIAW. In order to establish a CARES W-2 Auxiliary Payment Approval Worker, the agency must complete the form Job Access Loan, W-2 Auxiliary Payment and/or Performance Outcome Payment Claim Approval Designation (2582).
If a CARES W-2 Auxiliary Payment Approval Worker leaves their agency or changes job functions, their CARES logon will need to be removed from CARES screen BIAW.
When an approval worker is added or deleted from an office, the agency must check screen BIAW to see if another worker will need to be deleted or added at the same time. The W-2 Auxiliary Payment Approval Designation form must be completed for all worker addition or deletion changes.
WWP W-2 Auxiliary Payment Approval
Each W-2 agency must have at least two WWP identified W-2 Auxiliary Approvers. The agency must complete the form Wisconsin Works Program (WWP) User Access Request (5212) in order to add or delete an agency worker as a W-2 Auxiliary Payment Approver in WWP. Current W-2 Auxiliary Approvers for each agency are listed in WWP under Worker Tools.
At a minimum, W-2 agencies must perform a monthly review of W-2 auxiliary payment monitoring reports available in WebI . The data in these reports is updated directly from the CARES Benefit Issuance subsystem into WebI by the second Monday of every month. The agency must investigate questionable payments or payment discrepancies identified on the reports. Some examples of questionable payments or discrepancies include multiple payments to a case for the same benefit month by one or more workers, or check amounts for a particular month issued to a case that exceed the monthly W-2 maximum payment level of $608, $653, or $673, depending on the W-2 placement.
If an agency identifies a questionable payment or a payment discrepancy, the W-2 agency must contact the appropriate case worker(s) to confirm that the discrepancy is not an improper or illegal payment.
If an improper payment has been made, the W-2 agency must take appropriate action to recover the payment. If applicable, fraud prevention actions will be implemented in accordance with W-2 contract and state fraud program requirements. Regional DFES staff identifying any major discrepancies on the reports will contact the W-2 agency to ensure that the agency is investigating the discrepancies and gather the agency’s feedback on their findings. Regional staff also determine whether appropriate corrective action has been taken (e.g. benefit recovery, fraud referral, etc.)
History:Release 24-13; Release 21-07; Release 20-01; Release 11-04.