4.3.1  Record of Verification

W-2 eligibility information requiring verification must be either “validated” or “documented.”

·        Validation for the purpose of verifying W-2 eligibility information, means placing original items of verification evidence (or a copy thereof) in the case file.

Validation may be done by:

1.             Making a photocopy of an original document and then scanning it into ECF;

2.             Using an IEVS match report;

3.             Using a query response from SAVE; or

4.             Using a CARES birth query result.

Photocopies of verification items should be marked with the:

1.           Date the document was obtained; and

2.           Initials of the staff person who obtained the document and scanned it into ECF. (See 4.4.2)

If the validation occurred through a CARES DX, the verification code will automatically populate in CARES.

When validating eligibility information, the worker is not required to enter case comments documenting how the eligibility criteria were verified.  

·        Documentation for the purposes of verifying W-2 eligibility information means describing the relevant verification evidence that is either entered as a case comment in CWW or a case note scanned into ECF based on a conversation with the individual or an observation, inspection, conversation, or collateral contacts by the W-2 worker.

The worker must enter comments as a formal record of case action or eligibility-related information for an individual within 24 hours after the action or contact with a participant to ensure chronological documentation.



History:Release 24-13; Release 20-03.