4.1.2  Information Requiring Eligibility Verification

The chart below provides a list of eligibility criteria along with suggested sources of allowable verification. The list of sources to verify an eligibility item is not exhaustive, but provides a sampling of the possible sources.

FEPs must verify the following only once per lifetime of the case: (See 4.1.4)

·        identity;

·         Social Security number;

·        Birth date; and

·        Citizenship.

FEPs must verify other eligibility criteria at every eligibility review and when new information is reported or received through a data exchange. FEPs must conduct eligibility reviews at least once every six months. If valid verification documentation already exists via data exchange or in the Electronic Case File (ECF), do not request additional verification.

For example, if a legible copy of the applicant's current lease is in ECF, rather than pend the case for additional verification of Wisconsin residency, FEPs must use this existing documentation to verify Wisconsin residency.

Eligibility Criteria

Suggested Sources of Verification

ECF Code

(verify identity only for all adults in the W-2 Group and only once)

Driver’s License


State Issued ID Card

Student ID Card

U.S. Government ID Card

Military ID Card

Native American ID Card or other tribal membership documentation issued by a Federally recognized Tribe

Any photo ID document issued by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

U.S. Passport

Enhanced Driver's License

Any unexpired immigration document

Any other reliable document that verifies identity

DX (DATA EXCHANGE) code when entered by CARES in the Identity Verification field

 Not applicable

SC (SSI 1619b SSDI OR MEDICARE) code  when entered by an IM Worker in the Identity Verification or Identity MA Verification field. If the code is entered only in the Identity MA Verification field, the FEP will need to enter the code in the Identity Verification Field.

DE (DATA EXCHANGE) code when entered by an IM Worker in the Identity Verification or Identity MA Verification field. If the code is entered only in the Identity MA Verification field, the FEP will need to enter the code in the Identity Verification field.

**SAVE database

Birth Date
(verify birth date only once)

Certified copy of Birth Certificate (must be marked “For Administrative Use”)



Hospital Birth Record

Driver’s License

U.S. Passport

State Issued ID Card

Certificate of Naturalization (must be marked “For Administrative Use”)

Certificate of Citizenship (must be marked “For Administrative Use”)

Native American ID Card or other tribal membership documentation issued by a Federally recognized Tribe

CARES birth query (Wisconsin births only)

Any unexpired immigration document

Any other reliable document that verifies birth date

**State Online Query Internet (SOLQ-I) data exchange (SSA Verification field is V - VERIFIED)

 Not applicable

NB (Continuously Eligible Newborn) code when entered by an IM Worker

MB (Medicaid Birth Claim) code when entered by an IM Worker  

Wisconsin Residency
(verify residency at application and thereafter only if questionable)

Reminder: Do not require residency verification for homeless or migrant assistance groups newly arrived to the area. For all other W-2 Groups, verify residency for the primary person.

Landlord inquiry or current lease


Utility bill for water, gas, electricity, or telephone that includes name and Address

Mortgage receipt

Subsidized housing program approval

Weatherization program approval

Signed statement from a shelter or individual providing temporary residence

Pay check stub including name, address, employer’s name, address and phone number


Wisconsin Driver’s License


Wisconsin ID Card

Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Registration


School registration record

WLCM or SCHL, as appropriate

Any other reliable document that verifies Wisconsin residency

WMSC, or as appropriate

U.S. Citizenship
(verify citizenship only once)

Certified copy of Birth Certificate (must be marked “For Administrative Use”)


Baptismal Certificate or other religious record that lists a U.S. place of birth

Hospital Birth Record or other medical birth record that lists a U.S. place of birth

Native American ID Card or other tribal membership documentation issued by a Federally recognized Tribe

Certificate of Naturalization (should be marked “For Administrative Use”)

Certificate of Citizenship (should be marked “For Administrative Use”)

U.S. Passport

Enhanced Driver's License

Citizenship documents issued by the U.S. Department of State to U.S. citizens born abroad

Final adoption decree that lists a U.S. place of birth

U.S. Citizen ID Card or Northern Mariana Card

DX (DATA EXCHANGE) code when entered by CARES in the US Citizenship Verification field.

 Not applicable

**CARES birth query  (Wisconsin births only)

**SAVE database

MB (MEDICAID BIRTH CLAIM) code when entered by an IM Worker in the US Citizenship Verification or US Citizenship MA Verification field. If the code is entered only in the US Citizenship MA Verification field, the FEP will need to enter the code in the US Citizenship Verification field.

NX (CONTINUOUSLY ELIGIBLE NEWBORN) code when entered by CARES in the U.S. Citizenship Verification field

NB (CONTINUOUSLY ELIGIBLE NEWBORN) code when entered by an IM Worker in the US Citizenship Verification or US Citizenship MA Verification field. If the code is entered only in the US Citizenship MA Verification field, the FEP will need to enter the code in the US Citizenship Verification field.  

DE (DATA EXCHANGE) code when entered by an IM Worker in the US Citizenship Verification or US Citizenship MA Verification field. If the code is entered only in the US Citizenship MA Verification field, the FEP will need to enter the code in the US Citizenship Verification field.

Qualifying Non-Citizen Status

Please see W-2 Manual Chapter


Marital Status
(verify only if questionable)

Certified copy of Marriage Certificate (must be marked “For Administrative Use”)


Judgment of Divorce

Custody of Children
(verify only if questionable)

Court order


** KIDS child support disbursement query

Not applicable

Cooperation with Jail Staff
(verify for Huber Program participants only)

 Agency form; court order; city or county records; lawyer statement or record


Social Security Number (SSN)
(verify only once)

**Data Exchange verifying verbal statement of individual's SSN
Note: This is the preferred form of verification for SSN. If the data exchange returns a "V-Verified" from the SSA, there is no need to scan paper verification into ECF.

Not applicable


The following documents may be used as verification if the data exchange is unavailable or results in a discrepancy and must be scanned into ECF:



Social Security Card

Pay stub displaying the SSN

W-2 Tax Form displaying the SSN

Other reliable documents displaying both the name and SSN

SSN Application Date (verify only if individual does not have SSN) Form SS-5, Application for Social Security Number


SSA document (e.g., receipt for SSN Application)
Other written statement or agency form stating that the individual has applied for an SSN
Oral statement from representatives of other state agencies, hospital staff, or other third parties verifying that a record exists of the individual's application for an SSN.
For newborns only: Hospital discharge letter (must specifically reference the application for a SSN)
For exempt qualified non-citizens: See 2.7.1

Not applicable

Earned Income

Dated check stubs for the past 30 days


Letter from employer stating pay frequency, rate per hour, and average hours per pay period.

Income tax return for the previous tax year

Self-employment business tax records


Self-Employment Income Report Form (F-00107)

Any other document that verifies earned income

SEI or EI as appropriate

**CARES data exchange

Not applicable

Unearned Income

Social Security Award Letter


Unemployment Compensation Award Letter

Divorce paperwork identifying a financial settlement

Documentation of court awarded compensation

Compensation Award Letter

Veteran’s Administration Award Letter

Any other document that verifies unearned income

** CARES data exchange

Not applicable

Financial Accounts* (e.g. Savings, Checking, Prepaid Debit Cards, etc.)


Current financial, bank, credit union, or loan statement

*Note: Do not verify closed accounts or cards


Insurance Policies

Life insurance policy and the insurance company’s statement on the policy’s current cash value


Trust Funds

Trust agreement


Court order

Other Savings or Investments Certificates of Deposit, Retirement Accounts (including IRA and KEOGH accounts), Stocks or Bonds


Statement from stockbroker


Copy of bonds


Current bank, credit union, or savings and loan statement


Real Estate

Deeds or titles


Real estate receipts or tax records

Statement of current value from local business

Cars, trucks, boats, campers, snowmobiles, and other motorized vehicles

Car title or registration


Written statement from car dealer

Loan papers or sales receipt

State Division of Motor Vehicle statement


Medical statement from a doctor or other qualified medical provider
(not allowed for At Risk Pregnancy).

See 4.4.6

At Risk Pregnancy (ARP) Medical Information/Verification (4070) form or a letter from a physician on the physician’s letterhead that contains all the information listed in

School Enrollment

Required for children subject to Learnfare (see 16.2.3) and for a Dependent 18-year-old )

Report Card

WLCM for Learnfare

SCHL - for Dependent 18-year-olds

Statement from school or school district*

Any other document that verifies school enrollment status*

*Note: Verification for Dependent 18-year-olds must include expected graduation date.

Proof of a current and valid driver’s license

Required for a JAL for the purchase or repair of a vehicle

State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s webpage, “Check driver license information” statement

 Please see W-2 Manual Section


Proof of motor vehicle

liability insurance

Required for a JAL for the

purchase or repair of a


Printed or electronic documentation showing proof of motor vehicle liability insurance

Please see W-2 Manual Section


Proof of permission from

a probation, parole or

extended supervision

agent to purchase a


Required for a JAL for the

purchase of a vehicle

A note on Department of Corrections letterhead or an e-mail sent via the state e-mail system to the FEP by a probation, parole, or extended supervision agent

Please see W-2 Manual Section



** Do not scan these items. Verification for these items is available via CARES queries and data exchanges.



History: Release 24-13; Release 20-06; Release 19-03; Release 18-04; Release 18-02; Release 17-01; Release 16-01; Release 14-03; Release 13-03; Release 13-02; Release 13-01; Release 12-02; Release 11-02.