4.4.5  Storing Confidential Information Outside of ECF

All confidential information, with the exception of the paper documents listed below, must be stored in ECF. See for information that is considered confidential for purposes of the W-2 program.

The following confidential paper documents must be stored in a sealed envelope in the paper file under lock and key:

1.             Confidential documents retained in case of scanner operator error (see 4.4.3);

2.             Confidential paper copies of any document an agency determines must be kept long-term; and

3.             Attendance documentation that contains confidential information.

Agencies must return original documents to the owner. (See 4.4.1)

See the ECF User Guide Confidential & Restricted Documents appendix for more information on the different types of document security in ECF.


History: Release 24-13; Release 18-04.