Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




15 - Verification by Telephone / Electronic Mail / Regular Mail

At the discretion of the certification worker, s/he may accept the operator’s declaration by telephone or electronic mail that a particular violation(s) has been corrected. Likewise, the certification worker may sometimes accept written materials sent in by the operator as documentation that a violation(s) has been corrected. In these cases, the certification worker notes the verification date (the date of the call or the electronic mail or the date the material is received) on the Noncompliance Statement / Correction Plan and / or in WISCCRS. The certification worker should follow up at the next site visit to ensure that any violations verified as corrected in this manner were, actually, corrected. The certification worker may determine that written materials sent in as documentation of the corrected violations does not require this additional verification.


See section 14 for additional detailed guidance on verification.



This page last updated 01/2020.