Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




2.2.9 - Well Water Test Results (if applicable)

DCF 202.08(2)(h) If the home gets water from a private well, water samples from the well shall be tested annually by a laboratory certified under ch. ATCP 77 and shall be found bacteriologically safe. If water test results indicate the water is bacteriologically unsafe, the water shall be appropriately treated and retested until it is determined to be safe. Bottled water shall be used until the water is determined to be safe.


DCF 202.08(2)(i) An operator that cares for infants under 6 months of age in a child care home that gets its water supply from a private well shall get water samples tested annually by a laboratory certified under ch. ATCP 77 to determine the level of nitrates in the water. If the water sample tests above the maximum allowable levels of nitrates, bottled water shall be used for children under 6 months of age.



Water samples may be tested at private laboratories or the State Lab of Hygiene, 465 Henry Mall,  Madison, WI 53706; 1-888-494-4324. Refer to http://dnr.wi.gov/ or https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/labCert/certified-lab-lists for list of certified labs.


*Effective 9/1/21, after initial certification is granted certification agencies must monitor for compliance with the well-water test due date. This means that the certification agency may need to complete a “desk review” to ensure information is verified. If during the BRO certification review the information is not current, this may result in an agency non-compliance/finding and the information will need to be gathered and updated as a part of the Agency Review Correction Plan.


If the application is for in-home care (care in the child’s home) well water test results do not have to be submitted, however, the WISCCRS system will require the certification worker to enter a water test date if the radio button (see image below) indicates that public water is not available. For in-home family child care, the radio button may be checked “yes” regardless of whether or not public water is available because water testing requirements do not apply to in-home care.



WISCCRS Water Test Screenshot Unsafe Nitrate Levels Unsafe Bacteria Levels



This page last updated 01/2020.