Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




2.1 - Orientation

Starting June 1, 2024, a prospective provider may submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) using the Child Care Provider Portal. This submission triggers a task in the Certification Agency’s WISCCRS Dashboard. Certification workers then make contact with the prospective provider to begin their orientation process. Certification workers may document in the WISCCRS location/general comments module their attempted outreach to the potential applicant.


If the provider does not use the Portal to submit their EOI, the certification worker may enter the EOI in WISCCRS on behalf of the provider. The provider submitting the EOI using the Portal is the preferred method, as this will enable the provider to link and access their certification record in the Portal. If the certification worker completes the EOI in WISCCRS, rather than the provider using the Portal, the provider will not be able to link their record in the Portal later without IT security assistance.


In order to submit an Expression of Interest the prospective provider must submit a Taxpayer ID. This may be their Social Security Number (SSN) or other Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). If they do not want to enter a Taxpayer ID at this time, but they are interested in learning more about starting a certified child care program, they may contact the local certification agency and the orientation may be completed without the EOI submission. However, if the prospective provider applies for certification, an EOI must be submitted prior to submission of an online initial application.


Note: The provider submitting the EOI using the Portal is the preferred method, as this will enable the provider to link and access their certification record in the Portal. If the certification worker completes the EOI in WISCCRS, rather than the provider using the Portal, the provider will not be able to link their record in the Portal later without IT security assistance.


In accordance with DCF 202.04(3)(b)3, certification agencies shall provide to prospective applicants prior to initial certification a copy of the applicable requirements of this chapter and information on child care certification, including information on all of the following:



* Wis. Stats., 48.651(1d)(b) requires pre-service training that covers several health and safety topics including first aid procedures. There is no one specific department-approved first aid training or certification required. The Introduction to the Child Care Profession course covers child health topics including first aid practices. Additionally, certification workers are required under DCF 202.04(3)(b)3.d. to provide prospective applicants first aid information. Information on first aid may include the resources available on the CCIC website.


See Section 1.2.1 regarding informational materials/information available through the Child Care Information Center (CCIC).


Orientation information can be shared with potential providers / applicants:




This page last updated 01/2025.