Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




2.2 - Subcontracting

Counties and tribes have the authority to contract with another agency to administer the certification program. If the county / tribe subcontracts for certification, they shall submit all subcontract documents to DCF for review, and include the county’s / tribe’s plan to monitor the subcontracted certification agency.


The certification agency shall obtain prior written approval from the Department before subcontracting for services required under the DCF County / Tribal Contract. The County / Tribe is responsible to ensure that subcontractors fulfill all terms and conditions of the DCF County / Tribal contract.


The WISCCRS system prints on the certificate the name of the local county or tribe as the “issuing agency.” In the past, when the local agency subcontracted certification, DCF’s IT bureau staff had to create a system change in order to modify the name of the issuing agency on the certificate.  Due to an increase in the number of agencies deciding to subcontract, and an increase in the transfers of subcontracts over time, DCF will no longer change the name of the issuing agency on the certificate.  Starting in 2020 the issuing agency name  printed on the certificate will remain the name that DCF holds the contract with. For example, if Waukesha County decides to subcontract with  4C, the issuing agency name will remain as Waukesha county.


See Section 2.3 Conflict of Interest.



This page last updated 10/2020.