Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




1.0 Record Retention

Certification agencies must comply with the Department's Records Retention/Disposition (RDA) requirements by retaining certification records for six (6) years after closure of a certified program. Certification records may not be destroyed earlier than specified by the RDA and are not required to be retained longer than the specified period unless there is a pending audit or unresolved issue / legal action associated with a specific record.


In accordance with Wis. Stat. 16.61(2)(b) for state authorities and Wis. Stat. 19.32(2) for local authorities, a record is defined as papers, reports, photographs, electronic transmissions, databases, videos, machine-readable materials, and any other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or department’s business activities and serve as evidence of the department’s functions, policies, decisions, procedures, obligations and/or operations.


Closed, for the purpose of records retention, includes any of the following:



Examples of 6-year retention requirements:



Note: Effective 9/1/21 after initial certification is granted certification agencies must monitor for compliance with the requirements for continuing education, CPR, and well-water and pet vaccinations, if applicable. This means that the certification agency may need to complete a “desk review” to ensure information is verified by the date due. If during the BRO certification review the information is not current, this may result in an agency non-compliance/finding and the information will need to be gathered and updated as a part of the Agency Review Correction Plan.



1.1 Electronic Records

1.1.1 Which Documents are Required to be Uploaded in WISCCRS?



This page last updated 07/2021.