Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration

Wisconsin Shares Handbook



6.4.2 Fluctuating Income

If the amount of regularly received income varies, use an average.

Example 1: Harold receives a commission payment every quarter. His last commission check was $150. Divide $150 by three (3) months and average it over the three (3) months.


Income that is normally obtained, but received on an irregular basis, is to be averaged over the period between payments.

Example 2: Felicia is a salesperson who doesn’t always receive a commission check every quarter. She did not receive a commission last quarter. Her last check was $200 and was received six (6) months ago. Divide the $200 by six (6) months and count $33.33 per month as her income until she reports receiving another commission check.


If neither the amount nor the frequency is consistent or predictable, count it only for the month in which it is received as non-recurring income.

Example 3: Rau receives a sales commission check whenever his company determines that their profits will allow them to pay out commissions. Rau has not received a commission check for nine (9) months although before that he was getting them on a quarterly basis. Rau reports that he received a $175 check this month but doesn’t know when he will receive another check. $175 is counted as income in the current month.


This section last updated 12/1/2022