Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration
Wisconsin Shares Handbook
Income that is included in the financial eligibility test includes, but is not limited to:
Money, wages or salary
This includes income for a spouse temporarily absent from the home due to military service.
For individuals enrolled in Trial Employment Match Program (TEMP), Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ), or Transitional Jobs (TJ), only the portion of the wage that is unsubsidized according to the Employer Agreement Form is counted.
Income from self-employment: the sum of net earnings as reported to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) plus depreciation expenses, personal business and entertainment expenses, personal transportation costs, purchases of capital equipment, and payments on the principal of loans
Interest on savings or bonds
Income from estates or trusts
Net rental income or royalties
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) of adults in the Assistance Group (AG)
Social Security payments (including old age, survivorship, and disability) of all members in the AG
Pensions and annuities
Unemployment insurance
Worker’s compensation
Alimony and other maintenance payments
All of the AG’s monthly child or family support payments if the amount is greater than $1,250 per month
Veteran pensions
Any student financial aid provided by public or private organizations that are not used for tuition and books and are not excluded in Section 6.3
Capital gains income from selling securities and other property
Any other amounts paid to members of the AG, unless the income must be disregarded (see 6.3)
This section last updated 12/1/2022