Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Child Care Subsidy Administration
Wisconsin Shares Handbook
If the local agency determines that the individual does not have good cause for failing to cooperate with child support, the local agency must promptly notify the parent of the determination and the right to a Fair Hearing based on the local agency’s decision (see If the parent is participating in both Wisconsin Shares and Wisconsin Works (W-2), the parent can request a W-2 Fact Finding of the W-2 agency’s decision (not a Fair Hearing because W-2 made the determination).
The local agency must notify the Child Support Agency (CSA) that it may proceed with child support services and require the cooperation of the parent. The CSA may not proceed with child support services for 10 calendar days from the date of the notice to the parent. This is to allow the parent time to withdraw the Wisconsin Shares application, request the Wisconsin Shares case be closed, or request a Fair Hearing or W-2 Fact Finding of the agency decision before the CSA proceeds with child support services.
After the local agency enters the determination that good cause does not exist in CWW and confirms eligibility, Wisconsin Shares eligibility will end. The local agency must run eligibility with dates if it is after Adverse Action (see 11.2) to confirm the closure for the end of the current month.
This section last updated 12/1/2022