Appendix - Reasonable Accommodations


Disability/Impairment Accommodation


1. Medical condition requiring a modified environment

  • Air filters or purifiers

  • Respirator masks



2. Mobility/manual impairment

  • Provide modified office equipment and work stations with writing aids, voice recognition software, alternative keypad/keyboard access or telephone headsets

  • Provide mobility aids such as wheelchairs scooters, stand/lean stools, and anti-fatigue matting

  • Accommodate for a personal attendant and/or service animal at work



3. Fatigue/weakness management

  • Assign a goal-oriented workload

  • Minimize physical exertion and workplace stress

  • Schedule periodic rest breaks away from the workstation

  • Accommodate flexible work schedules and use of leave time

  • Accommodate participants to work from home

  • Implement ergonomic workstation design

  • Provide mobility aids such as scooters when walking cannot be reduced



4. Pain management

  • Implement ergonomic workstation design, i.e., ergonomic chair and adjustable workstation to alternate between sitting and standing

  • Reduce repetitive tasks, interrupt tasks with other duties, or accommodate for longer breaks

  • Provide carts and lifting aids

  • Modify work-site temperature or dress code

  • Use fan, air-conditioner, or heater at the workstation

  • Accommodate work from home during extreme weather

  • Accommodate use of personal attendant and/or service animal at work

  • Move workstation closer to the restroom

  • Refer to appropriate community services



5. Stress management

  • Encourage the use of stress management techniques to deal with frustration

  • Accommodate the presence of a support animal

  • Accommodate telephone calls during work hours to doctors and others for needed support

  • Restructure work duties to include only essential functions during times of stress

  • Provide backup coverage for when the participant needs to take breaks

  • Accommodate flexible work environment:

  • Flexible scheduling

  • Modified break schedule

  • Leave for counseling

  • Work from home



6.. Panic/anxiety

  • Provide space where the participant feels comfortable using relaxation techniques or contacting a support person

  • Identify and remove environmental triggers such as particular smells or noises

  • Accommodate the presence of a support animal



7. Reading Impairments

  • Provide audio-recorded directives, messages, and materials

  • Provide reading machines, reading pens, and screen reading software for computer use

  • Utilize recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (

  • Utilize color-coded manuals, outlines, and maps



8. Writing Impairments

  • Provide a personal computer with accessibility software such as:

  • Speech recognition

  • Word processing

  • Grammar, word prediction, and spell check

  • Provide locator dots for identification of letters/numbers on the keyboard



9. Math Impairments

  • Provide Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) software for arithmetic/mathematics

  • Provide Computer Assisted Design (CAD) software for architecture/engineering

  • Provide talking, factional, decimal, statistical, and scientific calculators



10. Concentration Deficits

  • Provide space enclosures or a private workspace to reduce distractions

  • Accommodate for use of white noise or sound machines

  • Increase natural lighting or provide full-spectrum lighting

  • Plan for uninterrupted work time

  • Divide large assignments into smaller tasks and steps

  • Restructure job to include only essential functions

  • Provide memory aids such as schedulers, organizers, and/or apps



11. Memory deficits

  • Provide written minutes or accommodate the participant to record meetings

  • Use notebooks, calendars, or sticky notes to record information for easy retrieval

  • Provide written as well as verbal instructions

  • Accommodate additional training time

  • Provide environmental cues to assist in memory for locations of items, such as labels, color coding, or bulletin boards

  • Post instructions over all frequently used equipment



12. Time management/completing tasks

  • Make daily to-do lists and check items off as they are completed

  • Provide organizational tools such as, software organizers, calendar apps, and smart watches

  • Divide large assignments into smaller tasks

  • Schedule weekly meetings with supervisor, manager, or mentor to assist with determining goals, providing daily guidelines, and  prioritizing deadlines



13. Sleep disorders

  • Accommodate for a flexible start time

  • Combine regularly scheduled short breaks into one longer break

  • Provide a place for employee to sleep during breaks

  • Accommodate the participant to work one consistent schedule

  • Provide a device such as Doze Alert or other alarms to keep the employee alert

  • Increase natural lighting or provide full-spectrum lighting



14. Hearing impairment

  • Provide pseudo terminal ( PTY) phone lines or keyboards

  • Provide sign language trainers or interpreters

  • Provide telephones with video or text messaging options, assistive listening devices, and captioned training tapes

  • Accommodate personal attendant and/or service animal at work



15. Vision impairment

  • Provide readers, task lighting, glare guards/light filters, and magnifiers

  • Provide accessible computer equipment/software

  • Accommodate personal attendant and/or service animal at work




History: There are no previous versions of this policy.