18.3.2  RMA Application Process  Applying for RMA  Completing the RMA Application  RMA Application Processing Timeframe


While W-2 agencies have contractual responsibility for receiving and processing RMA applications, they must work with economic support agencies to ensure that eligibility for all regular BC+ subprograms is tested first. Applying for RMA

Any individual may apply for RMA by submitting a Wisconsin Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus, and Family Planning Only Services Registration Application (F10129) paper registration form.  Outside of Milwaukee, refugees who wish to apply for RMA must apply at the W-2 agency serving their W-2 geographical area.  Similarly, refugees living in Milwaukee’s West Central and Southern areas must apply for RMA at their geographical area’s refugee “one-stop.”  Refugees living in Milwaukee’s Northern or East Central W-2 geographical areas, in which RCA and RMA cases are not processed, must apply for services at the West Central W-2 geographical office.

W-2 agencies must encourage anyone who expresses an interest in applying for RMA to file an application as soon as possible and must provide any information, instruction or materials needed to complete the application process.

The applicant may be assisted by any person he or she chooses in completing the application.

In certain cases, an authorized representative or other designated individual may sign the application for the applicant.  The information listed in BadgerCare Plus Eligibility Handbook 25.5 provides details about this process and should be applied to the RMA program.  Refugees typically give permission for their Volag caseworker to act as their authorized representative. (See Authorized Representative form)

As in Medicaid/BadgerCare Plus policy (see BadgerCare Plus Eligibility Handbook 25.4), an application for RMA is considered valid when it includes the applicant’s name, address and signature. The date that the agency receives the valid application is the filing date and the signatures of two witnesses are required if the application is signed with a mark. (See BadgerCare Plus Eligibility Handbook 25.5.1)

As in Medicaid/BadgerCare Plus policy, if an applicant contacts the wrong agency, he or she should be redirected immediately to the agency responsible for processing the application.  If an application is received in the wrong agency, it must be date stamped and redirected to the agency responsible for processing that application no later than the next business day. The filing date remains the date it was originally received by the wrong agency. (See BadgerCare Plus Eligibility Handbook 25.3.1) Completing the RMA Application

The agency must schedule a face-to-face interview after receiving the Wisconsin Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus, and Family Planning Only Services Registration Application (F10129).  During the interview, the worker will gather more detailed information about the RMA assistance group in order to determine RMA eligibility.

A signed copy of the Wisconsin Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus, and Family Planning Only Services Registration Application (F10129) must be scanned into ECF.

If a refugee attempted to apply for RMA by submitting an ACCESS or telephone application instead of a Wisconsin Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus, and Family Planning Only Services Registration Application (F10129), honor the application’s filing date and determine eligibility for RMA according to the timeframe in This application must be scanned into ECF. RMA Application Processing Timeframe

The date the application is received is the filing date.  RMA applications must be processed within 30 days of this filing date.



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