18.2.1  RCA Overview

RCA is administered by states or other designated entities.  In Wisconsin, RCA models itself after the W-2 program and is administered by W-2 agencies with guidance from the Refugee Programs Section of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families’ Division of Family and Economic Security (DFES)/Bureau of Working Families (BWF).

Refugee(s) are often victims of war, political turmoil and/or oppression and typically arrive to the U.S. with few, if any, material possessions.  While refugees with children under the age of 18 may qualify for W-2 assistance, others (such as single individuals or couples without children under the age of 18) will not.  The goal of the RCA program is to provide a basic standard of living to those recently arrived refugees who do not qualify for W-2 and to promote rapid economic self-sufficiency.  RCA recipients must participate in mandatory employment and training activities until either attaining employment or the end of the RCA benefits period in order to attain economic self-sufficiency.



History: There are no previous versions of this policy.