Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Wisconsin Works (W-2) Manual |
A JAL recipient’s monthly payment amount is based on a recipient’s repayment agreement. (See 17.5.1)
W-2 agencies must inform JAL recipients of the State's free online payment system at https://dwd.wisconsin.gov/epayment/ as a way to make monthly payments toward their JAL.
JAL recipients can alternatively make monthly cash payments, in the form of check or money order by mailing the payment to the PACS PO Box. Any cash payments made at the W-2 agency must be sent to PACS with urgency by the W-2 agency.
Mailed cash payments must be sent to:
PO Box 8938
Madison, WI 53708-8938
PACS is responsible for posting all JAL payments, physical and electronic, in the BRITS Payment Posting page within five days of receipt.
History: Release 24-13; Release 24-10.