9.3.2  Payment Eligibility and Uses

Payment Eligibility

To be eligible, participants must be:

·        In a CSJ placement, CMC placement, or W-2 T placement;

·        In the period prior to their first scheduled W-2 payment; and

·        Experiencing a need.

W-2 agencies must determine eligibility during the initial informal assessment. When possible, payments should be used in conjunction with other supports available to participants, including the Emergency Assistance program, but it is not required.

Family stabilization payments do not use a month of TANF assistance and do not count as an additional W-2 benefit.

Participants can receive no more than four family stabilization payments within 12 months. Participants can only receive one family stabilization payment per W-2 episode.

Payment Uses

Family Stabilization payments may be used for needs, including, but not limited to:

·        Housing;

·        Food;

·        Work-related expenses;

·        Insurance;

·        Toiletries/household items/diapers;

·        Phone payments;

·        School supplies;

·        Short-term child care;

·        Legal fees, etc.




History: Release 24-13.