8.1  Introduction

W-2 emphasizes that education and training is a pathway to meaningful employment, rather than an alternative to employment.  Education and training activities should be short-term and provide tangible employment skills.  Combining work or work training activities with education and training should, at a minimum, prepare participants for entry-level employment.

All W-2 participants, including those placed in case management positions, may participate in education and training.  W-2 agencies must:

1.             Establish a referral relationship with other employment and training programs for participants to make use of varied education and training opportunities; and

2.             Encourage employers to make training sites available on the business site for participants.

The FEP should emphasize the importance of education and training as an ongoing process.  The W-2 program acknowledges the importance of life-long learning and encourages participants to pursue further education and job training once they have established an attachment to the workforce.  In addition, child care subsidies are often available for those participating in these educational opportunities.  



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