
W-2 Delayed Payment Cycle (W2L)

This W-2 payment cycle occurs around the 7th of the month with participants receiving their checks by the 10th of the month.

W-2 Employment Position

Community Service Job, Trial Employment Match Program, and W-2 Transition

W-2 Group

An adult custodial parent, all dependent children with respect to whom the individual is a legal custodial parent and all minor children with respect to whom the adult individual’s dependent child is a custodial parent. W-2 Group includes any non-marital co-parent or any spouse of the individual who resides in the same household as the individual and any minor children with respect to whom the spouse or non-marital co-parent is a custodial parent. W-2 Group does not include any person who is receiving cash benefits under a county relief block grant program.  This is also referred to as the W-2 Assistance Group (W-2 AG)

W-2 Paid Employment Position

A Community Service Job or W-2 Transition placement

W-2 Paid Placement

A Community Service Job, W-2 Transition, At Risk Pregnancy, or Custodial Parent of an Infant placement.

W-2 Placement

Within the W-2 program, an individual may be placed in up to one of fourteen W-2 placement types, all of which are identified by a CARES W-2 placement code (in parentheses):    At Risk Pregnancy (ARP); Custodial Parent of an Infant (CMC); Case Management Denied (CMD); Case Management Follow-up (CMF); Case Management Follow-up Plus (CMF+); Case Management Job-Ready (CMJ); Case Management Minor Parent (CMM); Case Management Noncustodial Parent (CMN); Case Management Pregnant Women (CMP); Case Management Underemployed (CMU);  Community Service Job (CSJ);  Custodial Parent Trial Employment Match Program (TMP); Noncustodial Parent Trial Employment Match Program (TNP); Stipends for Noncustodial Parents (TSP); and W-2 Transition (W-2 T)

W-2 Pulldown Payment Cycle (W2P)

This W-2 payment cycle occurs about five days prior to the end of the month with participants receiving their checks by last day of the month

W-2 Reviews

1.Eligibility Review:  A W-2 eligibility review is required, at the least, every six months.    2.Employability Plan Review:  A full employability plan review is required at the end of each assigned placement and at the eligibility review.  The employability plan should be updated between reviews as necessary.

W-2 Transition Placement (W-2 T)

One of the W-2 paid employment positions intended for individuals who have been determined not ready for unsubsidized employment and unable to successfully participate in one of the other W-2 employment positions for reasons such as an individual’s incapacitation or the need to remain in the home to care for another W-2 group member who is incapacitated or disabled.

W-2 Two-Parent Household

A W-2 two-parent household is a W-2 Group where both adults: are custodial parents who have a child in common, reside in the same household with their child(ren), meet all W-2 eligibility criteria, are not disabled adults; and are not caring for a severely disabled child in the W-2 Group.

Wisconsin Shares

Wisconsin's Child Care Subsidy program that helps families pay for child care.  If the parent is eligible, child care can be subsidized for children under the age of 13 (up to 19 if special needs).

Wisconsin Work Programs (WWP)

The web based computer program used in Wisconsin for the W-2, TMJ/TJ, and Children First programs. Used for the W-2 program’s informal assessments, formal assessments, accommodations, and time limit tracking.

Wisconsin Works (W-2)

Wisconsin’s TANF program, which provides cash assistance to qualifying families.  The program emphasizes personal responsibility and working to the best of one’s ability.

Work Training Placement

A placement developed for W-2 participants who are not ready for an unsubsidized employment.  These placements are intended to provide activities that will prepare a participant for employment.  These placements include Community Service Jobs and W-2 Transitional placements.

Work Training Provider

The agency, business, or entity that is providing the work training site for participants placed in a Community Service Job or W-2 Transitional placement.

Workforce Development Areas (WDA)

WDAs are the subdivisions of the state for local planning and administration of employment and training programs. The eleven WDAs are used for delivery of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Job Center development and administration, and regional planning of employment and training efforts. The boundaries of the WDAs, which follow county lines and may include more than one technical college district, were drawn in recognition of, and to enhance, positive relationships between counties and local employment and training service providers. WDAs were created in 1998. A Workforce Development Board (WDB) has responsibility for the WIOA program and other workforce development programs within their WDA.

Working Day

Any day of the week except Saturday, Sunday, and CARES holidays.