
Calendar Day

Any day of the week, including weekends and holidays.

Career Assessment

A broad spectrum of assessment tools that W-2 agencies, applicants, and participants use to obtain greater awareness about how an individual’s work styles, skills, and interests can be used to define a career path, assign meaningful activities, highlight strengths, identify training needs, and match the individual to employment opportunities

CARES Holiday

A holiday limiting official business: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. A CARES holiday can be observed on an alternate day, depending on the day of the week it occurs; see the CARES Online Availability

CARES Worker Web (CWW)

The web based computer program used in Wisconsin for the W-2, JAL, FoodShare, Badger Care, and Wisconsin Shares programs. Used for the W-2 program in client registration, eligibility determination, placement, and Learnfare.

Caretaker Supplement Program (CTS)

A monthly cash benefit for an eligible child(ren) living with his or her Supplemental Security Income (SSI) parent. Caretaker Supplement benefits are administered by the county/tribal human social services agency.

Case Management

The family-centered and goal-oriented process for assessing the needs of a W-2 group member and his or her family for employment, training and supportive services and assisting the W-2 group member in obtaining the services needed to achieve self-sufficiency.

Case Management Denied Placement (CMD)

A placement for individuals who have reached their time limit and did not receive paid placement extension.

Case Management Follow-Up Placement (CMF)

A placement for individuals who have obtained unsubsidized employment while in a paid placement.

Case Management Follow-up Plus Placement (CMF+)

Case Management Follow-Up Plus (CMF+) is a placement for individuals who have obtained unsubsidized employment while in the CSJ, W-2 T, or TMP placements and meet minimum work requirements for his or her family type.

Case Management Minor Parent Placement (CMM)

Case Management Minor Parent is a placement for custodial parents who are under the age of 18.

Case Management Noncustodial Parent Placement (CMN)

Case Management Noncustodial Parent is a placement for noncustodial parents of children with a custodial parent in a W-2 employment position.

Case Management Pregnant Woman Placement (CMP)

Case Management Pregnant Woman is a placement for pregnant women who do not have custody of any children and are not in the third trimester of a medically verified at-risk pregnancy.

Case Management Resource Guide

A guide which will be available at each W-2 agency to aid the FEP in providing case management by identifying resources that will assist the family in achieving self-sufficiency.

Case Management Underemployed Placement (CMU)

Case Management Underemployed, also know as Case Management Services for Working Individuals, is a placement for eligible parents who are working in unsubsidized employment when they apply for W-2 or who obtain employment as a result of applicant up-front job search activities.

Categorically Eligible (for FoodShare)

An applicant placed in a W-2 employment position is eligible for FoodShare without having to meet the nonfinancial or financial FoodShare requirements.

Child Care Resource and Referral Network (CCRR)

A network of Child Care and Referral agencies which can assist parents in locating a child care provider and discuss what to look for when selecting a provider, i.e. smoke alarms, emergency exits, etc. For a list of local CCRR agencies, contact the CCRR Network at (920) 734-1739.

Child Support (CS)

The Child Support program is designed to: 1. Establish paternity on behalf of children whose parents were not married to each other at the time of the child’s birth;  2. Establish court orders obligating parents to pay child support and provide health care for their children, including health insurance coverage; 3. Collect support payments including: a. Child support; b. Family support (combined support for both the children and the custodial parent in a child support case); and c. In cases where there is an order to make separate child support and spousal maintenance payments (alimony), to collect both child support and spousal maintenance; d. Take administrative and legal actions necessary to enforce a support order when parents fail to pay the support they have been ordered to pay; and e. Locate parents who are not paying support and locate income and assets, when necessary, to establish or enforce a child support order.

Children First

A court-ordered work training program for noncustodial parents designed to encourage and enable payment of child support.

Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support (CARES)

Mainframe system used in Wisconsin for the W-2, JAL, TMJ/TJ, FoodShare, Badger Care, and Wisconsin Shares programs. Used for the W-2 program in case management, benefit issuance, Performance Outcome Payment claims, participation tracking, and JAL loan information and budgeting.

Community Rehabilitation Program

A program that provides directly or facilitates the provision of vocational rehabilitation to individuals with disabilities and that enables an individual with a disability to maximize opportunities for employment.

Community Service Jobs Placement (CSJ)

Community Service Jobs is one of the paid W-2 employment placements developed for individuals who lack the basic skills and work habits needed in a regular job environment. CSJ positions offer real work training opportunities, with the added supervision and support needed to help participants succeed. CSJ participants receive a maximum monthly benefit of $653. See prorated CSJ.

Community Steering Committee

Each W-2 agency is required by statute to establish a CSC to help in identifying employment opportunities, as well as create wage-subsidized and community service jobs, for those individuals who are not ready for regular employment. The CSC will help ensure the success of W-2 by adding the leadership, resources and the initiatives of local community leaders. The CSC supports W-2 participants by identifying job opportunities and developing supportive services such as expanded child care, creative transportation solutions, etc.

Contract Area

Multiple geographical areas served by the same W-2 Contract Agency.

Controlled Substance

A drug or a substance defined in ch. 961.01, WI Stats., which requires a doctor’s prescription or permission from the Wisconsin Controlled Substances Board for medical or experimental use or for use in the manufacture of a product.

Cuban-Haitian entrant(s)

An individual granted parole status as a Cuban/Haitian Entrant or granted any other special status subsequently established under the immigration laws for nationals of Cuba or Haiti.

Current Enrollment /Attendance and Prior Semester Verification Report (CEAPSVR)

Learnfare report produced at the end of the month, in paper format or electronically, that is used for school attendance verification at application, re-exam, person add, transfer, review and for good cause.  It is sent to the school district to collect current enrollment data including the number and dates of absences during the prior semester and month.

Custodial Parent (CP)

With respect to a dependent child, a parent (see definition of parent) who resides with that child and, if there has been a determination of legal custody with respect to the dependent child, has legal custody of that child

Custodial Parent of an Infant Placement (CMC)

One of the W-2 paid placements. A custodial parent of an infant who is 8 weeks old or less and who meets the financial and nonfinancial eligibility requirements for W-2 employment positions may receive a monthly payment of $673 and will not be required to participate in an employment position unless he/she volunteers to participate.
