
Reasonable Accommodation

To remove barriers in service delivery or employment to allow a person with a disability to have equal opportunity to participate in that program or job.  Examples include making facilities physically accessible, providing written materials in alternate formats, simplifying instructions, providing adjusting work schedules, meeting in accessible facilities or acquiring adaptive equipment or technology.

Reception & Placement (R&P) assistance payments

“One-time” payments made to refugees during their first thirty days in the U.S. The purpose of the payment is to help refugees with the expenses of settling into a new home. Payments can be made by the Volag on the refugee’s behalf to pay expenses (rent and household items) or can be issued directly to the refugee.

Refugee Act of 1980

An amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act which created the Office of Refugee Resettlement and outlined the federal Refugee Resettlement Program.

Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Medical Assistance (RMA)

A time-limited Cash and Medical Assistance Program for low income refugees who do not meet W 2 and Medicaid eligibility criteria.  Eligibility for this benefit program ends for a refugee on the last day of the eighth month after arrival into the United States.


An individual who is outside the country of his or her nationality or, in the case of an individual having no nationality, is outside the country in which he or she last resided, and who is unable or unwilling to return due to a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

Request for Assistance (RFA)

Also known as the Application Registration form, the Request for Assistance is the document that prints from CWW when the Client Registration process or the Group Level Program Request process is complete. A signed Application Registration form creates the applicant’s filing date.


Residency refers to a person's true, fixed, and permanent home where a person intends to remain indefinitely and to which a person has the intention of returning, whenever absent. Applicants and participants must verify Wisconsin residency unless they are homeless, migrant workers, or newly arrived in Wisconsin. “Residence” is different from “address.”

Resource Specialist (RS)

A staff person within a W-2 agency whose role is to understand the customers’ needs and assist them in determining which programs or services are likely to support their efforts to find and maintain employment.

Returning Dropout

A student who has dropped out of school and returned in the same or immediately succeeding semester.
