A parent is a: (1)Biological parent; (2)Person who has consented to the artificial insemination of his wife under s.891.40, Stats.; (3)Parent by adoption; (4)Man adjudged in a judicial proceeding to be the biological father of the child if the child is a non-marital child who is not adopted or whose parents are not married to each other; or (5)Man who has signed and filed with the state registrar a statement acknowledging paternity.
An individual who participates in any component of W-2.
Participation Agreement
The W-2 Participation Agreement (PA) outlines the requirements of W-2 participation. It must be signed by all adult members in the W-2 group and by a W-2 agency representative.
Participation Period
A W-2 participation period is from the 16th of a month to the 15th of the following month. Most payments are made on the first of the month following the participation period.
An individual requesting a Fact Finding or Departmental review.
Placement Begin Date
The date an individual is placed in a W-2 Placement
Prorated Community Service Jobs Placement (CSJ)
Prorated CSJ are placements for individuals who are working in unsubsidized employment for less than 30 hours per week and have limitations to increasing their work hours, or obtaining additional job(s).
Prospective Eligibility
Determining eligibility based on what an individual’s income and assets are most likely to be in future months.
Protective Payment
A money payment to a payee designated by the agency as the recipient of the participant’s total or partial monthly CSJ or W-2 T payment.
Public Holiday
A holiday authorized by law and limiting work or official business.