A client facing web portal that provides self-service, case specific information regarding an individual’s FoodShare, Medicaid, Wisconsin Shares, Wisconsin Works (W-2), and Job Access Loan benefits, including program eligibility information.


Address refers to the actual place where the household resides.  • Applicants and participants must provide an address unless they are homeless, migrant workers, or newly arrived in Wisconsin. Verification of address is not required.  • A household does not have to reside in a permanent dwelling. • A household may use a general delivery or PO box address. “Address” is different than “residence.”


An individual born in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea or Thailand after December 31st, 1950 and before October 22, 1982 who was fathered by a United States citizen.


An individual who applies for any service of the W 2 and Related Programs including support services.


A payment for past payments owed.


The process of gathering the needed information to develop an Employability Plan customized for the participant that will result in either a successful employment outcome which starts the individual on a career path;  or, if appropriate, a path to eligibility for Supplemental Security Income and/or Social Security Disability Insurance benefits

assistance group

An individual or group of individuals whose income and assets are tested together when applying for public benefit programs, including Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance. Criteria for determining assistance groups can vary between different public benefit programs.


An individual who meets the definition of a refugee and has traveled to a new country on his or her own, applied for and received a grant of asylum.


Protection granted by a nation to an individual who cannot return to his or her home country based on a fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.


An individual who is seeking but has not yet been granted asylum.

At Risk Pregnancy Placement (ARP)

An At Risk Pregnancy (ARP) placement is a W-2 paid case management placement without any required participant activities for an unmarried woman 18 or older who meet W-2 nonfinancial and financial eligibility except that an ARP participant must not be the custodial parent of a dependent child. As defined by W-2 ARP policy, there must be verification of: her third trimester pregnancy; the pregnancy is an at risk pregnancy; and she is unable to work due to the at risk pregnancy.
