Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Wisconsin Works (W-2) Manual |
Once it is determined that a child is required to participate in mandatory Learnfare case management, the W-2 agency must make the following efforts to enroll a child in Learnfare case management within 14 working days of the Learnfare case management referral date:
1. Schedule an initial appointment
The FEP or Learnfare case manager must schedule an initial appointment with the child and their parent to conduct the assessment and complete the Learnfare Case Management Plan.
The appointment must be scheduled at a time that does not interfere with the child’s school or the parent’s assigned W-2 activities.
No more than one mandatory Learnfare case management meeting may be scheduled per month.
2. Send a notice of the initial appointment
The FEP or Learnfare case manager must send a written notice of the initial appointment to the child and their parent. The written notice must:
1. Be sent seven working days before the appointment date; and
2. Clearly state that if the child and their parent are unable to attend, the child’s parent(s) must contact the FEP or Learnfare case manager before the scheduled appointment date to reschedule the appointment.
3. Send a second notice when necessary
If the child and their parent fail to report for the initial appointment or do not reschedule the first appointment, the FEP or Learnfare case manager must send a second and final notice to notify the parent that a financial penalty may be imposed in the next possible payment month if the parent does not contact the FEP or Learnfare case manager within five working days.
A home visit is strongly encouraged before a financial penalty is imposed.
For children not subject to a financial penalty for failure to cooperate with case management (see 16.4.1), the FEP or Learnfare case manager should:
a. Contact parents to schedule the initial appointment by phone rather than letter.
b. Contact teachers and administrators who interact with the child to learn more about which supports have worked best in the past ask for suggestions on positive ways to approach the child or family.
c. Attempt to meet with the child at school.
d. If the Learnfare case manager is not the FEP, attend the next scheduled review and explain the services that are available to the child.
History: Release 24-13.