7.5.2  Case Management for Minor Parents (CMM)


The Case Management for Minor Parents (CMM) placement is for individuals who are custodial Minor Parent s. A custodial minor parent is eligible for W-2 regardless of the minor parent’s living arrangement and financial or nonfinancial eligibility status.


EXAMPLE: Kerrie and Anthony, both age 17, live with their daughter Olivia and Kerrie's mother Sandra. Sandra's income provides the household's only income and exceeds W-2 financial eligibility requirements. Kerrie and Anthony still qualify for the CMM placement solely based on their status as minor parents, regardless of their living arrangement or W-2 financial and nonfinancial eligibility status.  


FEPs should provide individuals in the CMM placement with information regarding:

·        Available child care assistance;

·        Employment and financial planning;

·        Family planning services;

·        Community resources: and

·        Eligibility for BadgerCare Plus, FoodShare, and other food and nutrition programs.

W-2 agencies are encouraged to advise minor parents that they may be eligible for child care assistance through the WI Shares program and should encourage them to apply online or at their local Income Maintenance agency.

When appropriate, a referral for the minor parent must be made to the county or tribal social/human services agency or another appropriate community based organization for assistance in finding an adult-supervised supportive living arrangement.  




History: Release 24-05; Release 21-07; Release 12-05.