7.5.1  Noncustodial Parents  Noncustodial Parent Eligibility for W-2 Services  W-2 Case Management Services for Noncustodial Parents (CMN)  Stipends for Noncustodial Parents (TSP)  Participation Requirements  Stipend Payments  Stipend Procedures  Children First


One of the goals of W-2 is to enable custodial parents to achieve economic stability by ensuring regular child support payments in combination with employment. For this reason, W-2 agencies should provide case management and employment services to NCPs. When appropriate, W-2 agencies should explain available NCP services to the custodial parent.  Noncustodial Parents’ Eligibility for W-2 Services

An NCP may be eligible for W-2 services when all of the following apply:

1.             The custodial parent is:

a.             Participating in a TMP, CSJ, W-2 T, or CMJ placement;

b.             Receiving a payment in an ARP or CMC placement; or

c.              Receiving Wisconsin Shares child care assistance;

Agencies may disclose information to the NCP about the custodial parent's participation status in W-2 or child care (i.e., not participating in a qualifying program or placement) to explain why the NCP is not eligible for W-2.

If the FEP receives information, from the NCP or some other source, that indicates that the custodial parent may no longer be receiving child care or that his or her W-2 placement may have ended, the FEP would have to re-determine eligibility. At a minimum, this information must be verified again at the NCP’s six month eligibility review.

2.             The NCP is subject to a child support order;

3.             The NCP meets all other financial and nonfinancial eligibility criteria except that the individual is an NCP (see Chapters 2 and 3); and

4.             The NCP meets all eligibility criteria defined in DCF 105 including drug screening and subsequent referral to testing or treatment as indicated.


EXAMPLE:  Norman is the NCP of Thomas, his nine-year-old son. Thomas lives with his mother, Mary. Mary is in a CSJ. Norman has a Child Support order that requires him to pay the monthly court-ordered support for Thomas. Although Norman typically is a few months late in making his Child Support payments, he is cooperating with the CSA and he meets all other W-2 financial and nonfinancial requirements, except that he is not a custodial parent. Norman would be eligible for W-2 services for NCPs.  W-2 Case Management Services for Noncustodial Parents (CMN)

The W-2 agency may provide the following case management services to individuals in a CMN placement:

·        Employment Search (ES);

·        Job Retention Services (JR);

·        Career Advancement Services (CR);

·        Education and Training activities, including;

o       Job Skills Training (JS);

o       General Educational Development (GE);

o       High School Equivalency Diploma (HE);

o       Life Skills (LS);

·        Parenting Skills (PA);

·        Other Case Management activities (See Appendix – Activity Codes for a full list).  Stipends for Noncustodial Parents (TSP)

The Stipends for Noncustodial Parents (TSP) placement is available to eligible NCPs who are not ready for a TEMP job (see 7.3) or unsubsidized employment due to lack of work skills or education. TSP is also available to eligible NCPs who could benefit from a monetary stipend for participation in W-2 activities that will prepare them for a TEMP job or unsubsidized employment.  Participation Requirements

To be eligible for a stipend, an NCP in the TSP placement must participate in a minimum of 20 hours per week of W-2 education and training activities that prepare the individual for employment. These include:

·        A course of study meeting the standards established under Wis. Stat. s. 115.29(4), for the granting of a declaration of equivalency of high school graduation;

·        English-as-a-Second Language;

·        Adult basic education courses; and

·        Short-term job skills training for career focused training programs such as vocational training classes and pre-vocational or bridge training focused on specific industry sectors.

The W-2 agency may prescribe additional requirements that an NCP must achieve in order to receive a stipend, e.g., perfect attendance.  Stipend Payments

The W-2 agency may issue a stipend payment to an NCP at any point or frequency during the TSP placement based on the current needs of the individual while he or she is preparing for employment. Stipend payments must not be based on hours of participation in W-2 activities.

An NCP may receive stipend payments for a maximum of 16 weeks in a rolling twelve-month period. The W-2 agency may determine a stipend amount that is not to exceed $200 per month, per NCP in the TSP placement. The amount of the stipend should help the NCP with meeting the costs associated with engaging in W-2 education and training activities.

Stipend payments should not be used in conjunction with other supports available to NCPs. W-2 agencies must offer NCPs assistance in developing a Supportive Service Plan (see 9.2.1) and use this information to gauge the needs of the NCP while participating in W-2 activities.

NOTE: Stipend payments do not fall under the category of “cash assistance,” and NCPs receiving stipends are not subject to the state 48-month lifetime limit. Stipends are a non-recurrent, short-term benefit authorized at 45 C.F.R. § 260.31(b)(1). The stipend is not intended to meet recurrent or ongoing needs of the NCP.

Placement in TSP on any day of the standard workweek, i.e., Sunday to Saturday, will count as one week. W-2 agencies should maximize NCP participation and move an NCP to the TSP placement on a Monday when possible.

W-2 agencies are required to move an NCP in the TSP placement to a TEMP job or unsubsidized job as quickly as possible. The stipend terminates when the NCP begins a TEMP job in the TNP placement (see 7.3.1) or begins unsubsidized employment.  Stipend Procedures

The W-2 agency must create a standard operating procedure (SOP) establishing consistent procedures for issuing a stipend. Regional DCF contractor staff must approve the new SOPs.

The W-2 agency must manually issue stipend payments to NCPs in the TSP placement who meet the participation requirements for a stipend (see and must document in PIN comments.  Children First

Children First provides employment and training services for eligible NCPs. It also provides services and support to help NCPs increase their involvement in the lives of their child(ren).  

NCPs may be court-ordered to participate in the Children First Program if they are unable to meet their child support obligations. Eligibility for Children First is not tied to W-2 eligibility. An NCP who meets all of the eligibility criteria in above may receive both Children First and W-2 services at the same time.

NCPs successfully complete the Children First Program when they make timely child support payments for 3 consecutive months or participate in the Children First Program for 16 weeks. Children First may be administered by the county CSA, county human/social services agency, tribal governing body, or W-2 agency.



History: Release 21-09; Release 21-07; Release 17-01; Release 14-03; Release 14-01.