6.2.3  Coordination with Other Programs DVR Collaboration in Employability Plan Development

W-2 agencies are required to work with local Job Centers to jointly serve persons under the Job Center network delivery model. Working cooperatively with local partner agencies on EP development reduces duplication of effort across work programs and maximizes the resources available to the applicant or participant.

When developing the EP, the FEP and applicant or participant should incorporate input from other programs the individual is connected with, including but not limited to:  

·        Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) program;

·        Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR);

·        Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS);

·        Refugee Assistance Employment and Training Program; and

·        Other mental health, child welfare safety services, housing, domestic violence, and AODA programs.  

Agency workers working with participants interested in exploring other job center programs such as Job Service/Labor Exchange Services, WIOA, and DVR, should reach out to their local job center partners to discuss dual enrollment opportunities for the participant. Any activities included in the W-2 applicant’s or participant’s EP must conform with W-2 policy.

The FEP should consult with other Job Center agencies as appropriate when developing the W-2 EP.  However, W-2 agency staff must ensure that a W-2 EP is attached to any jointly developed EP since this is the primary EP document for W-2 applicants or participants.

EXAMPLE: Monica is working with a domestic violence victim program. Her advocate there is helping her find housing. Monica also attends weekly group counseling sessions and brings her daughter to individual counseling sessions every other week. Monica has signed the Authorization for Disclosure of Confidential Information (10779) form to allow her FEP to consult with her DV advocate and counseling professionals as needed. In developing her EP, Monica’s FEP incorporates her housing search and domestic violence activities and reaches out to Monica’s DV advocate and learns that Monica needs a new phone. The FEP provides Monica with a new phone and covers the first month’s phone bill through supportive services. DVR Collaboration in Employability Plan Development

W-2 participants with a disability may receive employment planning consultation from a DVR counselor without being enrolled in the DVR program. For these W-2 participants, DVR may provide technical assistance in the development of the W-2 employability plan using the recommendations from a disability or vocational assessment.  This technical assistance may include:

·        Recommending work or training activities to help move the participant towards employment in the local labor market; or

·        Identifying specific disability accommodations or assistive technology to make work or training accessible to a participant.

For W-2 participants enrolled in both W-2 and DVR programs,  the W-2 case manager and the DVR counselor should coordinate the W-2 Employability Plan and the DVR Individual Plan for Employment (IPE). (See W-2 Manual Appendix - W-2/DVR Technical Assistance Guide)  



History: Release 24-11; Release 21-07.