6.2.1  Developing the Employability Plan Transitioning Participants into a CMF or CMF+ Placement Prior to the EP Appointment

Before placing a W-2 participant in an employment position or case management placement (see 6.1), an EP must be developed collaboratively during a meeting between the FEP and the participant. (See

When the meeting occurs via phone or video call, the FEP must send a signed copy of the final EP to the participant.

When appropriate, the applicant’s or participant’s family members may also provide input. In a two-parent household, a meeting with each parent must be conducted to assess total family strengths and determine which parent is more appropriate for W-2 placement. (See Chapter 14)

The EP must be developed for a duration of no more than six months. The EP may be updated during that timeframe to reflect any changes in assignment of activities,; however, under no circumstances can the FEP change the activities in the EP without first discussing the change(s) with the participant. Transitioning Participants into a CMF or CMF+ Placement Prior to the EP Appointment

If the agency has made repeated and varied attempts but is unable to connect with a participant transitioning from a paid placement to a CMF or CMF+, the agency may change the placement to CMF or CMF+ prior to the EP appointment. (See

When this occurs, the agency must send an updated EP to ensure that the individual has in their possession an EP that aligns with the changes in activities. The EP end date must be 30 days after the date the CMF or CMF+ placement started on the new EP. This will give the participant the option to complete an EP appointment within 30 days or allow W-2 to close for noncooperation with program requirements.



History:Release 24-11; Release 22-05; Release 21-07; Release 18-02; Release 11-05.