5.4.2  Career Assessment at Application

Initial Placement

FEPs must use informal assessment information when determining the initial placement for W-2 applicants. (See 7.1)

FEPs are required to develop career goals with all W-2 participants using the information available at initial placement.

If an applicant is not ready to identify a specific career field when the EP is initially developed, the focus of the program employment goal may be broadened to a field of interest or an industry sector. (See 6.1.1)

Because career assessment is not an eligibility requirement, the FEP must never delay eligibility determination and initial placement pending completion of a career assessment tool. The placement decision must be made using the best available information during the application timeframe. (See 1.4.4) The EP and W-2 placement may be adjusted later, if needed, when the career assessment results are received.

Timely Career Assessment

Career assessment must be offered to all applicants and assigned as an activity on the initial EP.

If an applicant is new to W-2 or is re-applying and does not have a career assessment documented in WWP, a career assessment must be scheduled within 30 days of application and should be completed within 30 days of placement.

If an applicant has completed a career assessment that identifies work styles, skills, and interests, and chooses to remain on the career path indicated by that assessment, or is already working in a career field available in the local labor market, another career assessment does not need to be done.



History: Release 24-11; Release 24-07; Release 20-03.