5.2.3  WWP Informal Assessment Participant Barriers Questions Required Timing for WWP Informal Assessment WWP Informal Assessment with Two-Parent Households WWP Informal Assessment with Children Present Documenting Confidential Information in WWP Informal Assessment Notes and Details


The WWP Informal Assessment Driver Flow is intended to provide a framework to guide the interactive conversation needed to complete a comprehensive Informal Assessment .

The W-2 worker is required to ask all questions that appear in the WWP Informal Assessment Driver Flow, including additional questions that appear based on the answers provided. The W-2 worker must also ask follow-up questions and engage the applicant or participant in further conversation beyond the prescribed questions to obtain information needed to identify potential barriers to employability.

This process is intended to ensure that the W-2 worker has sufficient detail on the W-2 applicant or participant’s skills, abilities, interests, and goals to inform Case Management decision-making. Participant Barriers Questions

The WWP Informal Assessment Driver Flow includes a Participant Barriers page with questions to collect information about the applicant or participant’s health and personal life that may affect the individual’s ability to obtain and maintain employment. The WWP Informal Assessment - Participant Barriers page consists of five sections:

1.             Physical Health

2.             Mental Health

3.             Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA)

4.             Cognitive and Learning Needs

5.             Domestic Abuse Screen

The FEP must use the responses to the WWP Informal Assessment Participant Barriers questions provided to determine whether the individual could benefit from a Formal Assessment by a qualified professional or assessing agency. (See 5.5.2)

The responses also provide basic information to inform case management decision-making until the formal assessment information is received.

When administering the Participant Barriers questions as part of the WWP Informal Assessment, the W-2 worker must explain to the applicant or participant the:

1.             Purpose of the Participant Barriers questions; and

2.             Type of follow-up services that may result from providing answers to the questions.

The W-2 worker should explain the Participant Barriers questions using positive language and emphasize how the applicant or participant may benefit from answering the questions.

The W-2 worker must ask each of the Participant Barriers questions; however, the applicant or participant may decline to answer the questions on this page without risk of sanction or case closure. If the applicant or participant declines to answer a Participant Barriers question, the W-2 worker must indicate this in WWP by checking the corresponding refused box and move on to the next question.

If the applicant or participant indicates that any of the issues identified on the Participant Barriers page may impact their ability to participate in W-2, the FEP must document the:

1.             Barrier in WWP and refer the individual for formal assessment; and

2.             Formal assessment referral date on the corresponding WWP Barrier Details page.

If the individual declines the offer for formal assessment, the FEP must indicate that the referral was declined on the corresponding WWP Barrier Details page.

Due to the potential for safety risks, there are several exceptions to the instructions for the Participant Barriers questions and formal assessment referral specific to the Domestic Abuse Screen questions. The FEP must follow all instructions for administering the Domestic Abuse Screen in Section 5.6.1. Required Timing for WWP Informal Assessment

The WWP Informal Assessment Driver Flow is required to be completed and submitted prior to initial W-2 placement and at each placement change. The WWP Informal Assessment Driver Flow must always reflect the most recent and up-to-date information the W-2 worker has about the participant and their family.

The FEP must revisit the informal assessment inventory as needed and edit the appropriate WWP Informal Assessment pages to document any reported changes as part of the ongoing case management process.

The FEP must also complete and submit the WWP Informal Assessment to aid in identifying potential barriers to gaining or maintaining employment or additional service needs when:

·        The individual requests to have the WWP Informal Assessment questions reviewed; and

·        The FEP is considering denying an initial extension for a 24-month placement time limit or the 48-month state lifetime limit and the WWP Informal Assessment has not been completed or updated within 12 calendar months prior to the participant’s 24th or 48th month in an ongoing case. (See

The FEP may also choose to complete the WWP Informal Assessment when there is reason to believe that reviewing the WWP Informal Assessment questions may help initiate conversation about a potential barrier that is affecting the participant’s ability to work or participate in assigned activities. (See 11.1) WWP Informal Assessment with Two-Parent Households

If the W-2 group is a W-2 Two-Parent Household , the WWP Informal Assessment must be completed with each parent separately, unless both parents request the WWP Informal Assessment be completed with the other parent present. (See 14.2.1)

An individual must never be asked to complete the Domestic Abuse Screen while their partner or any other individual is present. (See 5.6.1) WWP Informal Assessment with Children Present

The WWP Informal Assessment Driver Flow touches on sensitive topics individuals may not feel comfortable discussing in front of their children.

When completing the WWP Informal Assessment, the W-2 agency must inform the individual of available child care options that may be used while completing the driver flow.

If requested, the W-2 agency should assist with connecting the participant to these child care options before completing the informal assessment questions. Documenting Confidential Information in WWP Informal Assessment Notes and Details

The WWP Informal Assessment Driver Flow also includes Notes and Details fields for the W-2 worker to document additional information pertinent to the case management process.

The W-2 worker must never enter confidential information in the WWP Notes and Details fields, with the exception of the Participant Barriers and Family Barriers pages.

The Participant Barriers and Family Barriers pages prompt workers to ask questions about conditions that are considered confidential for purposes of the W-2 program and have security features to restrict access to these pages.

See for a listing of confidential information that must never be entered on WWP pages without the additional security protections.



History: Release 24-11; Release 21-09.