4.3.2  Marking Vital Records, “Administrative Use Only”

Vital records are maintained by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and are official records of:

·        Births;

·        Deaths;

·        Marriages; and

·        Divorces.

These documents are referred to as:

·        Birth Certificates;

·        Death Certificates;

·        Marriage Certificates;

·        Divorce and Annulment Certificates; and

·        Any data related to the above documents, e.g., printed birth query information from CARES.

Agencies must refer questionable verification or reporting supplied by applicants or participants for fraud investigation. (See 13.4.1)

To mark a vital record with “Administrative Use Only,” the FEP must:

1.             Make a photocopy of the original document;

2.             Stamp the photocopy with “Administrative Use Only”; and

3.             Scan the stamped photocopy into ECF.

Originals must not be stamped or scanned into ECF, but must be returned to the W-2 applicant.

Following this process will ensure compliance with Wis. Stat. s 69.30 (2) which requires that vital records be marked, “Administrative Use Only.”

Although Certificates of Naturalization and Certificates of Citizenship are not considered vital records, W-2 agencies must also use the vital records process for these documents.



History: Release 24-13.