A client facing web portal that provides self-service, case specific information regarding an individual’s FoodShare, Medicaid, Wisconsin Shares, Wisconsin Works (W-2), and Job Access Loan benefits, including program eligibility information.
Address refers to the actual place where the household resides. • Applicants and participants must provide an address unless they are homeless, migrant workers, or newly arrived in Wisconsin. Verification of address is not required. • A household does not have to reside in a permanent dwelling. • A household may use a general delivery or PO box address. “Address” is different than “residence.”
An individual who applies for Emergency Assistance (EA).
Any day of the week, including weekends and holidays.
A holiday limiting official business: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. A CARES holiday can be observed on an alternate day, depending on the day of the week it occurs; see the CARES Online Availability Calendar.
The web based computer program used in Wisconsin for the W-2, JAL, FoodShare, Badger Care, and Wisconsin Shares programs. Used for the W-2 program in client registration, eligibility determination, placement, and Learnfare.
An adult in the EA Group who has a qualifying relationship to a dependent child, resides with and anticipates to live with the dependent child and provides care and control for the dependent child.
A monthly cash benefit for an eligible child(ren) living with his/her Supplemental Security Income (SSI) parent. Caretaker Supplement benefits are administered by the county/tribal human social services agency.
The family-centered and goal-oriented process for assessing the needs of a family for financial resources, employment, training and supportive services and assisting the family in obtaining the resources and services.
Mainframe system used in Wisconsin for the W-2, JAL, TMJ/TJ, FoodShare, Badger Care, and Wisconsin Shares programs. Used for the W-2 program in case management, benefit issuance, Performance Outcome Payment claims, participation tracking, and JAL loan information and budgeting.
Non-profit, community based agencies that administer various social programs.
With respect to a dependent child, a parent who resides with that child and, if there has been a determination of legal custody with respect to the dependent child, has legal custody of that child.
The Wisconsin Department that oversees the W-2, JAL, EA, RCA and RMA programs.
A person who currently resides and is anticipated to reside with a parent or other related adult, and who is under the age of 18 or, if the person is a full-time student at a secondary school or a vocational or technical equivalent and is reasonably expected to complete the program before attaining the age of 19, is under the age of 19.
Do not count, exempt, or exclude
Term used to describe a family that is residing in a home where they are not on the lease/mortgage and are using it as a short-term housing solution and would otherwise be homeless.
Emergency Assistance
The primary person and any individuals living in his or her household whose income and/or needs are considered when determining eligibility for benefits.
A paperless case file system used by W-2, EA, and income maintenance agencies in Wisconsin. The system uses document imaging (scanning) to store case file materials in an electronic format. The ECF Handbook, including information on software and hardware requirements can be found at: http://www.emhandbooks.wisconsin.gov/ecf/ecf.htm
Internet based tracking system formally used by W-2 agencies to track and store information regarding EA applications and payments.
Assists with coordination of emergency services and resources in disaster situations.
A minimum amount of income that is needed for food, clothing, transportation, shelter and other necessities, as determined annually by the Department of Health and Human Services.
A staff person within a W-2 agency who provides individualized case management and supportive services for a person in a W-2 employment position.
Government funded program to help low-income individuals and families to purchase food.
Determination of the W-2 agency regarding whether there is a valid reason.
Intentionally making a false or misleading statement, intentionally misrepresenting or withholding facts, or intentionally committing any act that constitutes a violation of state or federal law for the purpose of receiving EA benefits.
A system which supports child support agencies and county clerks of court with child support and paternity information. The system also supports the automatic creation of IV-D cases through interfaces with the CARES and HSRS state systems.
A cash assistance program in Wisconsin designed to support children who reside with caretaker relatives instead of their parents.
Regarding the definition of a custodial parent, any person granted legal custody of a child, other than a county agency or licensed child welfare agency, who has the right and responsibility to make major decisions concerning the child, except with respect to specified decisions as set forth by the court or the parties in the final judgment order. Major decisions include, but are not limited to, decisions regarding consent to marry, consent to enter military service, consent to obtain a motor vehicle operator’s license, authorization for non-emergency health care, and choice of school and religion.
Federally funded program to provide assistance to low-income individuals for utility services. Also known in Wisconsin as the WHEAP.
Also known as Medicaid, Title 19 or MA, a state-federal program that provides health care coverage to low-income elderly, blind, and disabled individuals. In Wisconsin, low-income individuals who do not qualify for Medical Assistance may qualify for BadgerCare Plus.
A custodial parent under the age of 18.
All members of the EA group must be U.S. citizens or have qualified non-citizen status. For documentation verifying U.S. citizenship, refer to the W-2 Manual section 4.1.2.
With respect to a dependent child, a parent who is not the custodial parent.
An assistance payment received by an individual due to fraud, participant or administrative error.
A parent is a: (1) Biological parent; (2) Person who has consented to the artificial insemination of his wife under s.891.40, Stats.; (3) Parent by adoption; (4)Man adjudged in a judicial proceeding to be the biological father of the child if the child is a non-marital child who is not adopted or whose parents are not married to each other; or (5) Man who has signed and filed with the state registrar a statement acknowledging paternity.
The agency responsible for the regulation of Wisconsin public utilities, including those that are municipally-owned.
Residency refers to a person's true, fixed, and permanent home where a person intends to remain indefinitely and to which a person has the intention of returning, whenever absent. “Residence” is different from “address.”
A federal cash assistance program designed to help low-income individuals who are aged, blind and/or disabled.
The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program is Title I of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA). TANF is the federal block grant program that provides states with the authority and funding to create programs that promote work and provide time-limited assistance to needy families with children.
Unemployment Insurance
A passenger car or other motor vehicle used to transport persons or goods and is owned by someone in the W-2 group.
Payments made on behalf of the household by a third party to another source.
Federally funded program to provide assistance to low-income individuals for utility services. Also known as LIHEAP.
Wisconsin's Child Care Subsidy program that helps families pay for child care. If the parent is eligible, child care can be subsidized for children under the age of 13 (up to 19 if special needs).
The web based computer program used in Wisconsin for the W-2, Emergency Assistance, TMJ/TJ, and Children First programs.
Wisconsin’s TANF program, which provides cash assistance to qualifying families. The program emphasizes personal responsibility and working to the best of one’s ability.
Any day of the week except Saturday, Sunday, and CARES holidays.