Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Emergency Assistance Manual | Storing Confidential Information
Information concerning applicants generally must not be disclosed for any reason except when it is necessary for the administration of the program or, under certain circumstances, unless requested by law enforcement officers. (See W-2 Manual 4.2.3) If the information requested is not directly related to program administration, it must not be provided.
See W-2 Manual for information on what is considered confidential, who should have access to the information, and in which circumstances the information may be disclosed.
Note: An EA application shall be considered a confidential document if applicants indicate they are applying based on a domestic abuse situation or have any other information related to domestic abuse.
If a case contains confidential documents or meets the criteria of a confidential case, but ECF is not available, confidential documents must be stored in a sealed envelope in a paper file under lock and key.
History: There are no previous versions of this policy.