4.1.4 Verifying Questionable or Inconsistent Information

In some cases, information provided by an applicant may appear questionable or inconsistent, such as:

·        The applicant or a member of the EA Group is a relative of the landlord;

·        The applicant lists a child as a dependent child, but the child is also listed on another application;

·        An applicant with more than one child does not list all of the children on the application;

·        Documents received for verification appear to have been altered; or

·        Other inconsistencies in or between the application, information given by the applicant, or verification documents.

When verification documents or other information appear questionable or inconsistent, the W-2 agency must attempt to verify the authenticity of the documents and information with the issuing entity and document in EA comments in WWP the actions that were taken. If the W-2 agency has attempted to verify the questionable or inconsistent information but has been unable to do so within the ten working days timeline, the W-2 agency must deny the application and inform the applicant that he or she may apply again at any time.



History: Release 24-03; Release 21-01.