
Calendar Day

Any day of the week, including weekends and holidays.

CARES Holiday

A holiday limiting official business: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day. A CARES holiday can be observed on an alternate day, depending on the day of the week it occurs; see the CARES Online Availability Calendar.

CARES Worker Web (CWW)

The web based computer program used in Wisconsin for the W-2, JAL, FoodShare, Badger Care, and Wisconsin Shares programs. Used for the W-2 program in client registration, eligibility determination, placement, and Learnfare.

Caretaker Relative

An adult in the EA Group who has a qualifying relationship to a dependent child, resides with and anticipates to live with the dependent child and provides care and control for the dependent child.

Caretaker Supplement Program (CTS)

A monthly cash benefit for an eligible child(ren) living with his/her Supplemental Security Income (SSI) parent. Caretaker Supplement benefits are administered by the county/tribal human social services agency.

Case Management

The family-centered and goal-oriented process for assessing the needs of a family for financial resources, employment, training and supportive services and assisting the family in obtaining the resources and services.

Client Assistance for Reemployment and Economic Support (CARES)

Mainframe system used in Wisconsin for the W-2, JAL, TMJ/TJ, FoodShare, Badger Care, and Wisconsin Shares programs. Used for the W-2 program in case management, benefit issuance, Performance Outcome Payment claims, participation tracking, and JAL loan information and budgeting.

Community Action Program

Non-profit, community based agencies that administer various social programs.

Custodial Parent (CP)

With respect to a dependent child, a parent who resides with that child and, if there has been a determination of legal custody with respect to the dependent child, has legal custody of that child.
