Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Emergency Assistance Manual |
The Navigation Pane is located on the left side of your browser. It shows the structure of the manual with a series of books, subfolders, and policy pages. The default view when you open the manual is to the "Contents" which shows the navigation pane and the policy pane, which is the right side of the online manual where the policy page appears. To return to this view after clicking on other views or searching, click on "Contents" in the toolbar.
Click on a closed book to open it and see the contents. A book may contain a policy page or a subfolder. Once a book is opened, the icon changes to an opened book. Click on a subfolder until you get to the lowest level of organization, the policy page.
When you click on a policy page, the policy will appear on the right side of your browser window in the policy pane.
You can resize the navigation pane or policy pane by clicking on the vertical line that divides them. Click and hold your left mouse button on this bar and drag to the left or right as needed. You can even close the navigation pane to allow you to see more of the policy pane. Do this by clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of the navigation pane. To see the navigation pane again, you must click "refresh" in your browser's toolbar.
Emergency Assistance policy appears on the right side of the web browser in the policy pane. Each web page has a header that shows that you're in the Department of Children and Families Emergency Assistance Manual. The chapter name and section number appears in the upper left-hand corner.
Anytime you see text in the policy pane that is highlighted yellow, you will know that this text is new for this current release. Every time a release is made, the yellow highlighter is removed and only the information that changes for the new release is highlighted. To see when other policy was updated, look in the Cover Sheets.
The toolbar is the top row of the manual and it contains links to:
Cover Sheets
PDF Versions
Contact Us
W-2 Manual
TJ/TMJ Manual
Sometimes after working in the Emergency Assistance Manual, you have many folders and subfolders open. It may be difficult to see where exactly you are within the manual. Click on "Refresh" in your browser to clean up your workspace. By doing this, only the path to the policy page you are on will appear. If you choose to close your navigation pane, it will reappear after clicking refresh and only the folders leading to your current policy page will remain open.