5.4.2 Payment Delay due to New Housing Not Yet Obtained

When an EA Group qualifies for a payment delay because the group is moving to new permanent housing but has not yet obtained new housing, the group has 60 calendar days from the date the W-2 agency determines the group is eligible for a payment delay to find new housing.

When the applicant notifies the W-2 agency that he or she has found new permanent housing after qualifying for a payment delay, the W-2 agency must update the application status in WWP to “Approved” and include the amount of the approved payment amount. The agency must issue a payment within 5 working days of the date the EA Group notifies the W-2 agency that a permanent living arrangement has been obtained.

 If the group is not able to find housing within the 60 calendar days timeframe, the group can receive an additional 60 calendar days to find housing. If the applicant has not already contacted the W-2 agency to request additional time, the agency must contact the applicant before the initial 60-day deadline to:

1.             Discuss if they are still looking for new permanent housing and need the additional 60 days to continue searching; and

2.             Offer resources and discuss possible referrals the W-2 agency deems appropriate to assist the applicant in their search for housing.

If the applicant requires an additional 60-day payment delay, the W-2 agency must update the application status reason in WWP to generate a new notice with the new payment delay timeframe.

If the W-2 agency is unable to reach the applicant prior to the status deadline after varied contact attempts including phone calls, e-mail, text message, etc. over several days, the worker must still update the application status reason in WWP to provide the additional 60 days to continue searching for housing. Contact attempts with the applicant must be clearly documented and detailed specifically in PIN comments.

If the applicant did not find housing within either the 60 calendar day timeframe or the additional 60 calendar days, the W-2 agency must update the application status to “Denied”.


EXAMPLE 1Harriet applied for EA on November 5th. Within ten working days of her application, the W-2 agency verified nonfinancial and financial eligibility criteria and determined that Harriet was eligible for EA due to impending homelessness. At the time of application, Harriet informed the W-2 agency that she had not yet found new permanent housing. Harriet qualifies for a payment delay and has 60 days to find housing and inform the agency. On November 20th, Harriet contacted the W-2 agency to notify them of her new housing. The W-2 agency issued a payment on November 22nd.


EXAMPLE 2James applied for EA on May 15th. Within ten working days of his application, the W-2 agency verified nonfinancial and financial eligibility and James was found eligible for EA due to homelessness. When James applied for EA, he already had new permanent housing pending assistance from EA. As James already had housing at the time of application, a payment delay does not apply. The W-2 agency issued a check on May 22nd, within ten working days of the application date.


EXAMPLE 3: Kim applied for EA on September 14th and was found eligible on September 16th. It was determined that she qualified for a payment delay to search for new permanent housing. By November 9th, Kim had not contacted the W-2 agency to inform the agency of new permanent housing. The EA worker attempted to contact Kim various times throughout the week via phone and e-mail to check in on her housing search status and offer resources and discuss possible referrals that may help her search. The W-2 agency was unable to reach Kim despite multiple contact attempts. On November 15th, the EA worker updated the application status reason to “Payment Delay (No New Housing Additional 60 days)” and documented the specific types of contact and number of attempts in PIN comments in WWP. On November 26th, Kim contacted her EA worker with the information about new housing she secured. The W-2 agency proceeded to issue the payment.



History: Release 24-03; Release 24-02; Release 22-05; Release 21-02.