Wisconsin Department of Children and Families Emergency Assistance Manual |
Agencies must verify the applicant’s housing prior to payment in certain situations. (See 5.3.2)
Item to Verify |
Sources of Verification |
Verification that Eviction or Foreclosure Will Not Proceed (See 5.3.2) |
Written or verbal statement by landlord, lending institution, or other third party responsible for the housing transaction. When the agreement is verbal, the agency must document this conversation in EA comments in WWP and must follow up by sending a letter to the landlord, bank, or local government agency, which states: · For eviction: “You already agreed to not proceed with the eviction. Your acceptance and retention of payment further ratifies this agreement and constitutes a stipulation to dismiss the eviction.” · For foreclosure: “You already agreed to not proceed with the foreclosure for non-payment of mortgage. Your acceptance and retention of payment further ratifies this agreement.” This letter language means the landlord, bank, or local government agency agrees to end any pending eviction action or stop any pending foreclosure action if payment is received. |
History: Release 24-02.