1.2.1 Where to Apply for Emergency Assistance

Any individual may apply for Emergency Assistance. The W-2 agency must provide an opportunity to complete an Emergency Assistance (EA) application to all persons who request EA. Applicants can request EA by contacting the W-2 agency directly, or by applying directly in ACCESS .

Applicants must apply at the W-2 agency that serves the geographical area in which they reside. The following exceptions apply:

1.             An applicant who resides in an area served by a W-2 agency that serves more than one geographical area may apply at any of that agency’s W-2 offices, even if the office is located outside of the applicant’s geographical area;

2.             An applicant that is homeless may apply wherever he or she is residing at the time of application;  

3.             An applicant that is moving to a residence in another geographical area may apply in that geographical area. The W-2 agency that takes the EA application must determine eligibility and issue any payment; and

4.             An applicant that is a victim of domestic abuse may apply at any W-2 agency.



History: Release 21-04.