Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




2.4 - Denial of Recertification Application

Although DCF 202.06 gives authority for the agency to refuse recertification there is no category status in WISCCRS with this named value.


If a certifier believes the certification should be ended prior to the expiration date for any of the reasons outlined in DCF 202.06(a)-(h) the background check law prohibits regulatory approval, the certification may be revoked (or suspended depending on the exact circumstances). If the operator’s renewal / recertification application is denied and the original end date for the existing category is not modified, the certifier would deny the re-certification application.


Just as with a suspension or revocation, the operator must be informed of the decision to deny the recertification application in writing. The certification agency must inform the operator in writing of the operator’s right to appeal the decision and the agency’s steps in the appeal process.


Note: A noncompliance statement (DCF-F-294) is not issued when denying an application for re-certification. The department has provided guidance regarding documenting certification compliance/noncompliance. The guidance document is available on the Certification SharePoint site under ‘Certification Resources’.



This page last updated 01/2019.