Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




6.2.1 - Interviewing Children

Certification workers may talk with children about their child care experience during routine monitoring visits. Occasionally, the certification worker may talk with a group of children collectively and generally during the course of an investigation. This informal conversation is not the structured interview of a particular child(ren) described below.


Typically, certification workers would not interview child care children during a complaint investigation. However, the certification worker will attempt to obtain information from people with knowledge about the allegations in the complaint, and, in unusual situations, this may include a particular child or children. For example, the certification worker may find that only an involved child can provide information regarding a complaint about safety concerns when the county CPS agency is not investigating. The certification worker should always try to obtain all necessary information from the most knowledgeable source other than a child first. If the certification worker believes a child must be interviewed, s/he is encouraged to consult with his / her supervisor and receive approval and guidance and / or follow agency protocol before proceeding.


If it is necessary to conduct a formal interview of a child, the certification worker should follow agency protocol, which may include any or all of the following:




This page last updated 07/29/2015.