Home > Module 8 - Complaints > 10 - Recording Investigation Findings > 10.1 Completing the Investigation Narratives and Findings in WISCCRS
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Early Care Regulation
Child Care Certification Policy Manual
As outlined in the WISCCRS User Guide-Complaints/Incidents, a complaint/incident can only have one investigation record, but can have an unlimited number of Narratives. See WISCCRS User Guide-Complaints/Incidents for additional instruction regarding information to be included in each narrative. The Narrative Types (located in drop down menu) include:
Alleged Statutory and Rule Violations
This section should identify the alleged statutory and rule violations by number and rule summary statement.
Methods Used to Conduct the Investigation
This section should identify the date the investigation began, the dates of on-site visits, the identification and dates of collateral contacts, persons interviewed, and the records and documents reviewed
Description of the Investigative Findings
This section should specify the facts determined in the course of the investigation related to alleged statutory and administrative rule violations, which should be cited by reference number. If applicable, this section contains reference to the findings of any other involved agencies, for example, county child protective services.
Conclusions, Recommendations and Actions
When completing the Conclusions, Recommendations and Actions certification workers shall objectively summarize the conclusions of the investigation and indicate whether each allegation is substantiated or unsubstantiated. This section should include citations of statutory and / or administrative rule violations and subsequent actions to be taken, if appropriate. This section should contain referrals of issues uncovered in the investigation to other agencies having jurisdiction or responsibility in those areas.
All rule violations discovered during the investigation, including those unrelated to the complaint/incident but observed during the complaint investigation, must be documented and cited in WISCCRS using the Site Visit and Monitoring Results links.
After a complaint/incident has been investigated and findings entered into WISCCRS the complaint/incident must closed out. All investigative findings should be written up and closed out within 20 working days from completion of the investigation, when possible.
Using WISCCRS, the certification worker documents the complaint investigation finding.
Self-reported incidents are not “substantiated” or “unsubstantiated” but rather the investigation result is “N/A – Self Report”. WISCCRS allows the certifier to print an investigation findings report. The report displays the details about the investigation, including narratives. The purpose of this form is to document the investigation and to support subsequent actions taken. Unless requested through an open record request, this is not released to the certified operator or complainant.
10.2 Notifying the Operator / Complainant of the Investigation Findings
This page last updated 07/2015.