Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




25 - Monitoring When No Children are Enrolled

It is not uncommon for a certification worker to grant certification before children are enrolled / in care. In these cases, the certification worker may not be able to observe compliance with rules that pertain to provider interactions with children, or children's forms, for example.


It is imperative the certification worker review the rule(s) with the applicant to ensure s/he understands and agrees to comply with the rule.


Certification agencies are encouraged to conduct additional monitoring visits to ensure compliance with standards, particularly if there were no children enrolled when the certification was granted. If at the time of re-certification there have not been any children enrolled / in care and the certifier has not been able to monitor for compliance with rules that pertain to children in care the certifier has the options of:




This page last updated 01/2020.