Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




13 - Desktop Monitoring / Removal of Operator's Records

A certification worker may find it necessary to collect an operator’s records in order to monitor for compliance via a “desk review.” When a certification worker collects / removes an operator’s records from the certified program / premises, it is recommended the certification worker provide the operator with a records removal receipt. The form is available on the Certification SharePoint site. Use of the department’s form is not mandatory.


Effective 9/1/21 after initial certification is granted certification agencies must monitor for compliance with the requirements for continuing education, CPR, and well-water and pet vaccinations, if applicable. This means that the certification agency may need to complete a “desk review” to ensure information is verified by the date due. If during the BRO certification review the information is not current, this may result in an agency non-compliance/finding and the information will need to be gathered and updated/and as a part of the Agency Review Correction Plan.



This page last updated 07/2021.