Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Early Care Regulation
Child Care Certification Policy Manual
The ‘No Site Visit’ field in WISCCRS is used for situations when violations are cited but no site visit occurred. For example:
Self-reported violations
Substantiations of violations based on another agency’s documentation, including, but not limited to, a report by the Child and Adult Care Food Program or Law Enforcement
Discovery that an operator failed to report required information, including, but not limited to information discovered by the department’s CCAP / SOR Registry / CPS monthly match finding module
In cases such as these, the certification worker can issue the Noncompliance Statement, if appropriate, by entering in WISCCRS a ‘No Site Visit” and the date the violation was cited as the ‘visit date’.
See Module 7 – Section 35 regarding CBU Desk Reviews and instructions for issuing a Noncompliance Statement to providers out of compliance with the 5-year fingerprint requirement.
This page last updated 03/2025.