Home > Module 3 - Application Process - Family / In-Home Child Care > 2 Certification Application for Family Child Care / In-Home > 2.2.5 Free From Tuberculosis (TB)
Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education
Bureau of Early Care Regulation
Child Care Certification Policy Manual
Each child care operator shall demonstrate that the operator is free from tuberculosis prior to initial certification. Each provider shall demonstrate that he or she is free from tuberculosis prior to the date the provider begins working with children in care. The certification agency may accept the results of a TB screening or TB test administered up to 12 months before the certification date or the date the person began to work with children in care.
The individual must upload/submit documentation that demonstrates they are free from TB. A TB screening and statement from health professional indicating the individual is free from TB is acceptable. Optional form: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/forms/f02314.pdf Although the form must be signed by a health care provider, the information on this form is intended to be collected by the patient’s report and not an objective physical assessment, so screening could be completed remotely or over the phone. The person performing the screening could make a note on the form how the patient was interviewed.
If the screening indicates a TB test is needed to determine the presence or absence of infectious TB then a certification agency may require a TB test.
If a physician does not recommend a TB skin test due to pregnancy or other health condition, the certification worker may accept an alternative test including a blood test for TB in lieu of the TB skin test. Per the Department of Health Services, there are 2 different types of TB testing that will meet the TB requirement. The Manitou Skin test or the Quantiferon Gold Blood Assay test. If either test indicates previous exposure to tuberculosis, an evaluation by a physician should be done rather than a chest x-ray. This evaluation must conclude that the person does not have active TB.
If a TB skin test is positive, the person must be further evaluated by a physician. This evaluation must conclude that the person does not have active TB that is potentially contagious. There are cases when the applicant may have latent TB. In these cases, the physician’s statement should note that the person does not pose a risk of infecting individuals who have contact with the applicant.
If a certification worker uploads health / medical documents in WISCCRS, keep in mind that medical / health records, in addition to mental health, AODA, juvenile information, etc. are confidential. See WISCCRS User Guide – Documents for instruction.
This page last updated 01/2025.