Wisconsin Department of Children and Families - Division of Early Care and Education

Bureau of Early Care Regulation

Child Care Certification Policy Manual




8.0 - New Certification Worker Training and Certification Round Table Meetings

In accordance with DCF 202.04(3)(b)1, the county or tribal agency shall ensure that each new child care certification worker completes the department-approved certification training during the first 6 months of employment or assignment of certification duties.


“Child care certification worker” is defined as a person employed by a certification agency whose duties include determination of eligibility for child care certification. The new certification worker trainings are offered, minimally, twice a year. Contact the Bureau of Early Care Regulation Certification Specialist or the Bureau of Regional Operations Child Care Coordinator for training dates and details. Information and registration for training is available in the PTT Learning Center by clicking on the Training Catalog link. Computer-based trainings (CBTs) are available in PTT for all workers to view, but must be completed prior to attending the new certification worker training.


The DCF Bureau of Early Care Regulation regional licensing staff coordinate Child Care Networking and Certification Round Table Meetings every six (6) months. When held in-person, the Networking meetings are scheduled in the morning. The purpose of the Networking meeting is to improve coordination and communication between all staff / agencies involved with child care regulation through information sharing and discussion.


When held in-person, the Certification Round Table Meeting takes place in the afternoon. The purpose of the Certification Round Table Meeting is to provide support, technical assistance, and training to certification agency staff and to facilitate communication between certification agencies. The topics covered in these meetings include, but are not limited to, child care policy / automation updates, rule revisions, and other topics brought forward by local agencies.


When held in-person, the Networking / Round Table meeting locations are: Eau Claire, Rhinelander, Appleton, Madison and Waukesha. Both the Networking and Certification Round Table Meetings have been scheduled as virtual meetings since 2020, making the meetings more accessible and allowing for more flexibility in participation/attendance.


Certification agencies utilize the BECR Child Care Regional Networking and Certification Round Table meetings to collaborate, bring forth best practices and share information pertinent to administration of the certification program. Meeting dates and materials are posted on the Certification SharePoint site.



This page last updated 02/2025.